Bipolar Disease?

I’ve been researching the symptoms and stuff on the net and have seen that I fit most of the criteria. I was just wondering has anyone here have bipolar, I think that if I could talk to someone who has it, I would be able to determine whether I should consult a medic or whether I’m just being a hypochondriac!


Answer #1

If you genuinely feel like you have it, you should see a therapist who would be able to give you a definitive answer of whether or not you do or not. They use something called the DSM-I’ve which is the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders..from there they look at what you are experiencing and see if you have a certain amount of the symptoms and they also look at the amount of time they you have those symptoms for. There are a lot of different factors for the diagnosis and there are also a few different types of bipolar. There is bipolar 1 and 2 and there is also cyclothymia.

Its also important to remember that its pretty common to feel moody sometimes. One day you might feel kind of down and then the next day you might feel happy..but with bipolar..they are extremes.. where its periods of times where you feel severe depression and then other periods of time where you feel manic…( really energized, feel like you are bigger then the world, impulsive, wont sleep for a week, etc)

The best way to really know for sure, is talk to a professional if you are really concerned…but im pretty sure at some point everyone feels moody and like they might be a little bipolar.

Answer #2

hey im bipolar I’ve been since I was in 3rd grade thats when I started having like problems but my mom has it and my moms mom so yeah im in 8th now and im taking medicine for it but I dont go to no coulicer or anything because I think they suck lol but im still ok now I mean yeah I wouldnt mind helping you if you ever have questions just ask

Answer #3

omg im so glad I found you I think I might b havnt done much research through but last night I wewnated too kill myself im fine now but if I keep this up.. I don’t know what too do really but I mite talk too a counselor again..

Answer #4

My brother has been diaganosed with Bi-polar for about 10 years now. It used to be called manic depression and has two very distinct highs and lows to it.

As my mother and fathr are elderly I am classed as the legal nearest relative to my brother and have worked closely with the mental health team and the hospital during the times when he has been unable to face things on a day to day basis and during manic phases and depressive lows.

Please feel free to funmail me if you would like any advice on specific questions around this disorder.


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