Health Questions

  1. Friend self-harming :(
  2. Sleeping issue
  3. Back is so sore
  4. Period keeps coming and I can't get pregnant
  5. What should I do??
  6. UTI whats that
  7. Rash like
  8. Your opinion on depression please.
  9. Is it a bad idea to do shrooms if I have panic attacks?
  10. I don't understand what people say about anorexia..
  11. dyslexia
  12. Does lemon juice work?
  13. smoked pot last night feel sick today can anyone help!!
  14. 3 AM and still awake
  15. depressed over JLS!!!?
  16. what are way's that I can get my self-esteem higher?
  17. Is it just me or is somthing really wrong with me?
  18. How do I make my period start
  19. Ptsd at age of 16
  20. Suggestions for my elderly mother who cannot sleep?
  21. How to make sunburns disappear?
  22. I feel like total crap
  23. Diabettic
  24. Qvastion about braine damdged people
  25. How can I prevent getting yellow teeth?
  26. Don't have eenough
  27. girls advice please!
  28. 16yr old pregnant friend kicked in the stomach by x's girlfriend
  29. Does a little blood come when you're pregnant.
  30. Rash..or something.
  31. Slipping discs at 19 What can I do to help it?
  32. Had anyone tried acai pills???
  33. What are symtoms for using aderoll?
  34. Dizzy
  35. Sperm is sacred
  36. Whos the dad?
  37. My breasts are very tender and sore...what's wrong with me
  38. Carbon monoxide poisoning...?
  39. Does it get you fat?
  40. obsessive compulsive disorder (ocd)?
  41. depressed because of school
  42. smoke like every day more then 4 to 5 times a day
  43. Is ya vulva the bottom of yaa pus^%sy
  44. what exactly is Earwax?
  45. What are some good over the counter meds for pain?
  46. Why when I go to the bathroom I whipe blood on the paper?
  47. Twitches
  48. Ridding your body of THC
  49. Sleeping pills? Any unusual storeys with ambian?
  50. Have you been, or are you being, mistreated because of a disability
  51. is something wrong with me??!
  52. Pregnant 15 year old
  53. good ways to get rid of hiccups?
  54. symptoms of mono?
  55. Stumped about pregnancy...
  56. how can I find out...
  57. how can I cure bacterial vignosis
  58. I think I'm biting myself in my sleep
  59. Spot on the petuitary gland...& high prolactin
  60. Help with prozac overdose
  61. Inverted nipples
  62. Bad blood Circulation and being cold
  63. How to be happy??
  64. morning after pill
  65. Ecstacy
  66. laceration..
  67. what size pants do you take?
  68. pain relievers
  69. My dad's exercise and diet plan for me?
  70. fatige..
  72. Best way to quit smoking?
  73. Ankle injury
  74. Going to the dentist...
  75. I keep getg skinnr and I have really bad pain
  76. What does 'soothing' lube do?
  77. tourette's
  78. this thing on my neck
  79. back pain when breathing
  80. The causes of chronic, head to toe muscular pain?
  81. How tall is the average 14 year old girl supposed to be?
  82. Are you depressed or happy?
  83. is this supposed to happen?
  84. What's the best thing I could say to you if you were very depressed
  85. Do you feel a sense of guilt?
  86. Females that can help!!!
  87. osmoprep
  88. does pepto bismol really work?
  89. Wrist piercing
  90. Glandular fever
  91. Sore tongue smoking weed?
  92. mum has food poisoning
  93. thinks she has a yeast infection... how do you get one??
  94. give yourself pregnancy symptoms by thinking your pregnant.
  95. How should I react when talking to a psychiatrist?
  96. can the pill make you
  97. One Itchy Nipple!!
  98. Period spotting grainy?
  99. why???!
  100. period