Don't have eenough

7 months preg. and what happenes when you dont have any thing to eat, how long can you go with out eating? is drinking water and taking prenatel pill enough

Answer #1

No it is not enough - you are starving your baby and yourself. Why would you not be eating when you are 7 months pregnant? Think of someone other than yourself for once. You have to have food. If you can’t afford it, go to your local shelter ot women’s clinic and get on Medicaid and WIC, they will give pregnant women food.

Answer #2

Thats how I felt when I was pregnant but I had to force myself to eat because it wasnt just about me anymore.FEED your BABY!

Answer #3

ugh you probubly could not go very long without eating or drinking because your like feeding 2 people you and your child so you’d definatly want to get enough food and water in you to stay healthy and so you wont get your baby sick or have birth defects and all that bad stuff but like if your short on food make sure that what you get is healthy for you and your babbie

Answer #4

yeah you can go 30 days without food, only 3 days without water.. but not when your pregnant. so eat. hell if I could id give you food, dont need to starve the baby.

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