
I don’t know why this happens from time to time but theres times when I go to the gym and work out and im like real pumped up but like after 30 min I feel completely different! I feel extremly tired..I even feel like im about to pass out..and I have no energy for anything..llike all I want to do is fall on the bed and sleep..I don’t know why does this happen? I’ve always worked out..only when I cant then I wont and yes I do drink lots of water..but I dont seem to understand why that happens.. its like if a spell were over me, like if something was holding me down.. because I can barley get around! yea I know crazy..but anyone know why???

Answer #1

It could be low blood sugar. If I don’t have a snack before I workout then I feel the same way.

That feeling also happens to me if I do a hard cardio workout and get my heart rate up really high. High heard rate workouts, if you are not used to it, can be a shock to your system and you will feel tired.

Answer #2

Do you take any energy supplements? If so that’s the reason why, they give you a quick burst of energy thing you crash horribly.

Answer #3

no I dont.

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