
I just took my first regimen of osmoprep 4 pills every 15mins and its been a half hour since I finished the 20 pills and nothing has happened yet. I just feel bloated from the bottles of water I drank. how long before its supposed to start working?

Answer #1

Sorry the liquid didn’t work for you the first time and that it tasted like sweaty balls…like I said, I haven’t had the procedure, but hopefully the pills will work for you so you and doctors can find out whatever you need to find out. As informer said, give it some time…surely you will be hanging out on the porcelain god within no time.

Answer #2

this is second procedure the first one I had the liquid which looked like water, smelled like water.. but it was def not water & it tasted like sweaty salty balls haha so I made them give me the pills this time but I feel like its not working.

Answer #3

not sure, haven’t done the liquid or pills, but good luck with your procedure…

Answer #4

it takes time, medication needs time to work, give it another hour or so…

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