
why girls during monthly period become moody & kinda pessimstic

Answer #1

cramps, hormones, ask somebody with proffessional knowledge. Just ask her, when shes NOT on it. Be sweet about it say something like “Hey, I noticed that sometimes you are not yourself when you are on your period. Does it hurt? Can I help?”

Answer #2

well the ‘pre’ bit can be about a week, maybe less…the bleeding, depends, some girls 3 days some 8 days…every girl is different…

the pain, well I get ‘my’ cramps about 4 days before coming on, then while I’m on for first 3 days then they start tro ease off..

Answer #3

not all of them get moody, but if they do then yes, its mainly due to there hormones you can just ask her, she probably wont get embarressed as long as you dont make fun of her or anything its good to know so you can be prepared and know why she might not want to do something or go somewere, and help take care of her if she wants you too, ect

Answer #4

I cannot detrmine my girl’s period time .. how can I know before it happens… I cant ask her…she might got emparessed

Answer #5

good question. I dont really change my mood at all. .I no one of my friend is always really happy during hers, but I don’t know

Answer #6

how long it lasts???the pain & the blood all stuff??

Answer #7

ok hormones but scintifically why?

Answer #8


Answer #9

yup…cocod33 is right, hormones have a lot to answer for!

the female body needs to release a lot of hormones to make it ovulate and menstrate…so as such, EVERYONE feels the effects…it’s annoying…but it’s the way it is…

for example…when a female is ovulating, it will increase her ‘desire’ to have sex, hence -procreation…the point is, nothing you can do, a female has a ‘rage’ in her that she actually finds very hard to controll…

I never used to get ‘grumpy’ when I was due on, but my hubby knows I’m coming on before I do, only because 4 or 5 daysd before I get a grumpy that I didn’t know possible…seriously, it’s not something I know, it’s something other people observe…

just be patient…all I can say is when I was younger it wasn’t that bad, but as I have got older ‘apparently’ it’s got worse (so they say ;) )

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