Health Questions

  1. what do they mean by "weight gain"?
  2. Red raised spots over my body look like knat bites?
  3. Good hang over cures???
  4. Why do a lot of people obsess over swine flu??
  5. Feeling dizzy when I do stuff
  6. Charging for passing on infections
  7. Gum and memory lose!!!
  8. Left Arm Pain
  9. Who else has a coulrophobia???
  10. Does this happen to a period?
  11. Ear infection
  12. im pregnant and so stressed
  13. so im sick, I have been for a week
  14. loseing your virginity cuase you to become irregular?
  15. My period has lasted way too long
  16. What if my cycle doesnt come for this month?
  17. Water diet
  18. My cheek bones feel as if they are being pushed out?
  19. How to stop snoring?
  20. Pregnancy during breastfeeding
  21. How can I reduce my sweat? And How Can I reduce my body heat?
  22. Urine problm
  23. What can I do to help my bladder infection?
  24. Fobia name for big trucks...
  25. Still producing breast milk and haven't had a period
  26. Morphine
  27. is there any mild side affects to pedialyte?
  28. Can you lactate when your not pregnat?
  29. how do you know when ure allergic 2 something?
  30. Self harm problem
  31. headachess while running ?
  32. Overcome depression
  33. is it normal to get wisdom teeth at 13
  34. Does this pic look like I am 8 weeks pregnant?
  35. Could I be sociopathic?
  36. what's up with my nose??
  37. Pregnant for the first time and looking for a great obgyn
  38. I am itchy and very very dry after my period has been gone 5 days
  39. My vagina looks wierd
  40. A sore on the outside of the vaginal entrance
  41. Am I pregnant? Im fed up with not knowing!
  42. vaginal itching
  43. I want to stop hurting
  44. Watery discharge with blood after your period
  45. what do I have?
  46. my best friend had an emo moment, what if she has another one?
  47. Can weed cause a false pregnancy test?
  48. Is it wrong for me wanting to have a baby?
  49. Has the flu passed
  50. I am 8months pregnant?
  51. do bbb pills work
  52. Hungry and sleepy
  53. Pregnancy & hair dying
  54. Pregnancy & hair coloring
  55. Staying awake while having to study...?
  56. Pregnant with period?
  57. Why do I have white creamy discharge coming out from my vagina?
  58. Different nerve sensations.
  59. Mad Depression
  60. Does it hurt when you wear tampons
  61. Help with timing re pregnancy
  62. Bloated stomach
  63. I need to know if im treating my lip ring right.
  64. I don't feel right
  65. Misscarriage
  66. Any harmful effects of taking diphenhydramine?
  67. Vinegar and brown paper bag to help a sunburn?
  68. Itchy gums
  69. Other ways to silence my head
  70. I'm so scared!!! Does only one ovary work?
  71. Sleeping Pill Addiction?
  72. Miscarry
  73. Verydark pubic thighs
  74. Lymph under my chin... I don't know
  75. Doctor and get checked can they tell if your not a virgin?
  76. Dental issue-gums sore!
  77. Why have I bean so hungry?
  78. Im 13 and I still have a baby tooth my last one took like 6 months
  79. What does a period look like?
  80. Teenage Pregnancy.
  81. Fight a cold?
  82. can feel a lump just above my nipple and im really worried
  83. Help me with bipolarity??
  84. How do you get your teenager have a baby
  85. Darvocet in system..
  86. Am I pregnat?
  87. why it bleeds so much after fingering?
  88. what happens to a women during pregnancy
  89. Iron in the water
  90. How long do hydrocodone pills remain in your system?
  91. what are sign`s of early pregnacy like a week old?
  92. does wearing a bra cause breast cancer?
  93. when do your boobs grow??
  94. period every other month the second friday of the month
  95. thridteen and I still haven't had my peroid
  96. I feel so sad and just want to be alone
  97. braces =D
  98. how come this aint affecting my boobs?
  99. does chewing gum wear down the enamel on your teeth
  100. how do you know of you bout to start your period?