FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. Who else is very happy about the new hookah commercial?
  2. what does 'dtf' mean?
  3. What is your favorite part of being on funAdvice?
  4. Why does it say i'm almost 18?
  5. Why isn't it telling me when i get points?
  6. Why are people hiding their real age here?
  7. Is there a way of choosing which emails you want to recieve from funadvice?
  8. Do you know how I can upload pictures on here?
  9. Why doesn't my account always take me to the sign in page when I use Mozilla Firefox?
  10. Why haven't i got an email from paypal yet about the points?
  11. where can I go to find a member I am looking for without having to scroll through friends and followers?
  12. Is there a way to link a howto article that you write to another site so people can see it?
  13. Has anyone had a life changing answer on here?
  14. Can people hit the like button on themselves?
  15. Why am I not getting any points for my How To's I have made?
  16. How do the people that run this site know when someones picture isnt a certain person?
  17. Do you save all of your FunMails?
  18. Why don't a lot of guys join sites such as FA?
  19. What do you feel is the appropriate way to answer (a) question(s)?
  20. How many of you keep two FunAdvice tabs open at the same time?
  21. What makes you want to follow a certain FA member & why?
  22. why do people ask questions that can be simply answered correctly in a real website, instead of asking random people what to do?
  23. Why are the most interesting questions being posted on here, from a year or more ago?
  24. what is the point of getting points on here?
  25. Why do I keep getting points for answers I supposedly gave on questions that I did not answer?
  26. do the words "home" "questions" etc look blurry to anyone else?
  27. How long after I answer questions does it take for me to get points?
  28. How do I search for a specific How To?
  29. What do you think would happen if all the members of FunAdvice who actively use the site were locked in a room together?
  30. Why don't more people like questions, answers, tips, and How To's on this site?
  31. How do I choose best answer for my question if I like more then one of them?
  32. How can I get lots of points on this site?
  33. how come people arent able to send me FunMail?
  34. Why canlt i log into funadvice using google chrome?
  35. What's your favorite FunAdvice moment?
  36. Why do the admins get mad if you tell someone to google something?
  37. How can you block somebody on fun advice ?
  38. How does fun advice send me money for my points??
  39. Where does the money you get for points come from?
  40. How many people make money from this site?
  41. What are some good tips for a new user?
  42. why have you been called complicated?
  43. Who on here would use a FunAdvice tinychat room, irc channel or otherwise?
  44. Will i get a notice when my points are done transpherring to my paypal or no?
  45. Why can't I answer anyones questions?
  46. How long do how to's usually take to get approved?
  47. How can I comment on someone's profile?
  48. Why do my questions keep posting twice, and why don't they show?
  49. How long does it take for the money to transfer from here to paypal?
  50. What's worse, trolls, or spammers? :P
  51. where do i find my post?
  52. What action does funadvice take when you flag something?
  53. how do i get my 'How To' off my pending list?
  54. What all privileges do you get after you reach 100 points?
  55. what would happen if funAdvice dissapeared?
  56. Can we post our own version of a howto if someone else has already posted it?
  57. Can you use boolean operators in the search thing on funadvice?
  58. Who here reads profile descriptions?
  59. How does funadvice provide "humorous" advice?
  60. why are all my questions getting deleted?
  61. Would this be against funadvice "rules"?
  62. How do you guys feel about TEXTING in your status updates and questions?
  63. How do I get a description in a question on this site?
  64. Why can I post an identical question for some faiths but not others?
  65. Why do some of my question disapear?
  66. what does the flag button do?
  67. Is the word cas!no not allowed?
  68. How do you get the money from your points?
  69. How many times does a question have to be asked to be considered "over asked"?
  70. Why don't we get points when someone likes a photo we put up?
  71. Why is it that the point values vary for answers to "liked" questions?
  72. Why do you guys keep deleting my completely legitimate question?
  73. i saw this thing called use your profile like formspring how to do that?
  74. how to add paypal to funadvice?
  75. Do we really get paide to give advice etc????
  76. How come every time you look on someone's page, all you can see are the messages someone else sent to them?
  77. Why isn't my picture showing up on my tip?
  78. How can I change the address that I submitted for a payment that is pending?
  79. why is it that in money from FA we can only cash out from up to 366 points?
  80. Why did FunAdvice removed a question without notifying me at all?
  81. What do Fun points do?
  82. What is the difference between the friends and followers/following category on the main question page?
  83. How many points do we need, or how long do we have to be a member for to get linking privileges?
  84. Who has gotten unrequested nude FunMail pics from other funadvice members?
  85. Why is it whenever I try to give a link it gets removed ?
  86. what the heck is with the new funadvice set up?
  87. Who thinks status updates are a good way to vent your emotions?
  88. Why do people on here ''like'' random stuff?
  89. do we get points if people "like" our photos?
  90. Do people see the notes I send if I give them points?
  91. Why is my video not working?
  92. Why do many people on here seem to assume they're only addressing others within their own country when they post?
  93. How long does it take for a video to upload?
  94. Are we allowed to write banned words with numbers etc where letters would go?
  95. Do you guys think it would be kinda cool if FunAdvice had a "Video of the Day/Week" feature?
  96. how can i look bac on questions i answered awhile ago?
  97. why are my questions doing this?
  98. why cant i send pple message on here?
  99. how do i change a status update to a question?
  100. How can I tell how many users I am following?
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