Parents & Family Questions

  1. how can i not think about my mothers death?
  2. Is the theory that boys/girls grow up to date and marry their mothers/fathers true?
  3. what would you do if your boyfriend was more attracted to his *own* mother than you?
  4. What do you think about parents limiting their kids music choices (ages 12-15)?
  5. What is the worst case of bullying you have ever seen personally?
  6. What do you think about parents who let their children act wild on public transportation?
  7. Who thinks that if your dad starts to get violent and try and hurt you it's alright to call the police?
  8. What is the best way to tell your parents that you're moving out?
  9. why is my mom incapable of being proud of me ?
  10. how can i fix my dysfunctional family?
  11. What is a good way to convince your parents to let you buy a laptop?
  12. How to deal with a father who is controlling?
  13. Who would take a family member to court to sue them for money or anything else?
  14. How can you stop someone from haveing children when all the babies ( 8 of them) they have had has been taken by CPS?
  15. Do 13 year olds still sleep with their parents?
  16. How To Be Great and Nice Big Brother When You Are So Busy With Your Study,Job, Hanging Out With Friends and Dating Your Girl Friend?
  17. when a girl child does not having a mother figure, is it normal for her to seek mothering from other mothers?
  18. how long would it take for me to earn my parent's trust and my teenage rights back after i get in trouble at school twice in matter of two weeks?
  19. What do u guys think about the generation that raised our parents downing us?
  20. Which would you pick if you could choose your sibling, brother, sister, twin, or no siblings and why?
  21. What age should children be charged as adults, in certain crimes, like burglary?
  22. What would you consider worst, you parents being angry at you, or being dissapointed with you?
  23. What should you do if your son got in a fight?
  24. Do you and your familey or mom and dad have any certain thing yall do on christmas?
  25. Can anyone tell me what this passage is saying?
  26. Do any of you have a will just in case something were to happen, and how do you make on that is legally binding?
  27. Do you think our families will be mad if we get married without telling them, and if so, how do we handle that situation?
  28. How parents could allow their baby's ear piercing?
  29. Do you think children have way to much access to adult orientated material these days?
  30. Why do my grandparents always freak out when i lock the door?
  31. how do i get rid of my chest infection?
  32. Is it true that once your 16 social services cant get involved with you anymore, or is it till 18?
  33. DO you think parents ahould be able to control who their kids date?
  34. why does my dad go to his nieces sport games and never too mine?
  35. Do you think it would be fair for someone between the ages of 14 and 18 to have a babysitter, because they are immature?
  36. What is wrong with mom's who thing it's fine to bring boys into the women's locker room?
  37. how can i make my parents understand that i am not an A grade student as my sister?
  38. What do you think....I was embarrassed in front of boys and they still wan't me to apologize!?
  39. how do i tell my parents that i want to become a child actress?
  40. What are the pros and cons of a non traditional household?
  41. What do I do if my dad is a drunk and won't stop driving my 11 yr old brother while intoxicated?
  42. How long should you wait to tell your parents, friends & anybody that your pregnant?
  43. Why does my mom talk to this old "friend" everynight?
  44. What does emmancipate mean?
  45. What would your first instinct be if you were caught in a fire?
  46. Should people be required to take some sort of test, before being allowed to have a child?
  47. What is the proper etiquette when a family member you are not close to is dying?
  48. How much does it cost a year to raise a child on average?
  49. How do you convince your parents to get a divorce?
  50. Why do i have to work harder to get the same credit as my sister?
  51. What do you do when your parents keep threatening to kick you out, but when you mention moving somewhere... they tell you "No."?
  52. Is there a way to trace my family tree without hiring a geneologist?
  53. What is the story about "the girl who killed her self after her dad posted something on her wall" true?
  54. How do you deal with a racist sibling?
  55. what are the support for adults caring for a child with special needs?
  56. who do ya think should get the money?
  57. Should my mom prohibit me from playing video games?
  58. how would youreact if your ex kept your wedding ring and lets your daughter where it every day.?
  59. Do parents protect their daughters way more than their sons?
  60. is it possible for my boyfriend to live with me with out my parents getting in trouble with the law ?
  61. Are there such things as emancipation papers for teens who are about to turn 18?
  62. how do i get more privacy from my mom?
  63. Why is it that some woman don't have maternal instincts?
  64. Can one of my parents get into trouble for getting me a piercing?
  65. How can i help keep this guy away from my friend and cosin?
  66. How do I hide blue hair from my parents?
  67. Why do adults talk alot to make their point b.cos it's annoying?
  68. Why is it that long ago it was ok to have a baby at let's say 14, and today its looked upon as irresponsible?
  69. How do i cope with a death in the family? . . .
  70. how can i get my mum to stop smoking inside?
  71. how old do you have to be to have a baby and legally keep it in queensland?
  72. How can I help my friend who has just been told her father has a few weeks to live?
  73. Why don't parents take out much time for their kids in this busy world?
  74. Would you ever get married, just to please your parents?
  75. What am I doing wrong in my family?
  76. How to deal with splitting up the holidays when you have a family of your own?
  77. Should I tell my mom that my dad used to rape me?
  78. Can you be forced to get tested to see if your a virgin?
  79. What's your opinion on parents bringing their 10 and 11 year old kids to go see Jackass 3D?
  80. Why does my mom procrasinate so much?
  81. why are responsibilities different for girls and boys?
  82. do you think someone is a bad parent just because they don't put their daughter on birth control?
  83. Is it wrong to be jealous of a family member's time or is that considered a sin by being jealous?
  84. How do i convince my parents not to make me go to an all girls school?
  85. What would you do if you had a nice career, and your child came to you and begged you not to work anymore?
  86. How can I bring up the topic of opening a bank account to my parents without them thinking I'm ridiculous or too young?
  87. How can my friend convince her mom she's not anorexic?
  88. How do I bring up the topic with my parents that I think I'm depressed?
  89. How can I live with immigrant strict asian parents?
  90. Who knows if my mom has the right to do this?
  91. what would you do if your daughter got pregnant at 16?
  92. How do i convince my mom to let me go to a psychologist without her asking me why ?
  93. Can me and my brother recieve the back child support my father is paying to my mother when we no longer live with my mother and are both over the age of 18?
  94. What do I do to get my mom to stay out of my room?
  95. is it wrong to drop off our 2yr old son at grandmas while we go to the movies or chillies for drinks?
  96. Is it weird that i play with a nerf gun against my dad?
  97. Can i move back to Massachusetts for my senior year of highschool even if my mom doesnt want me to?
  98. can i move out at 17 in ny?
  99. Is it normal for an adoption agency to ask for money in order to retrieve your records?
  100. What kind of therapist would a mother and daughter get to work out there problems with?
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