Are there such things as emancipation papers for teens who are about to turn 18?

My dad won’t let me move out till I am graduated but I cannot stand living in this house. Want the full story fun mail me….

Answer #1

By the time the paperwork went through, you got a hearing, etc etc, you’d be 18. What’s the point?

Answer #2

the extent of the law is extremely iffy. If you can support yourself, go o school, have aplace to live, then who is he to stp you from moving out? but if you dont have any of that then just wait. your time will come. :)

Answer #3


Answer #4

You don’t know my life, both of you go to hell……

Answer #5

Well, your birth certificate or whatever is your proof that you’re of the age to be emancipated. The term comes from roman law:

emancipate (v.) 1620s, from L. emancipatus, pp. of emancipare “declare (someone) free, give up one’s authority over,” in Roman law, the freeing of a son or wife from the legal authority (patria potestas) of the pater familias, to make his or her own way in the world; from ex- “out, away” (see ex-) + mancipare “deliver, transfer or sell,” from mancipum “ownership,” from manus “hand” (see manual) + capere “take” (see capable). Adopted in the cause of religious toleration (17c.), then anti-slavery (1776). Also used in reference to women who free themselves from conventional customs (1850).

If you want a document that you can wave in the face of parents who are being too overbearing, I would suggest maybe the bible or whatever holy text they believe in. In this document the roots personal freedom are found and, if you can read the whole thing and comprehend it, it’s more powerful than any piece of paper a judge or country could give you telling you that you have the innate human freedom to do whatever you want.

Answer #6

Wow, Ty’s advice was prime. By the time all the paperwork goes through it will be a wase of time, I don’t think any lawyer would want to help you, it would be pointless. Also, dont take your hatred for me out on Ty, I think you own her an apology. As for me going to hell, it doesnt exist, that’s like telling me to go to Santa’s Workshop.

Answer #7

Well according to your name you worship Satan anyway…

Answer #8

It’s just a username. I don’t believe in “God” or “Satan”. Very observative of you, though.

Answer #9

You have a couple of options. Are you financially able to move out on your own? If not you are limited. You could join the Military and once through boot camp you should be alright. Join the Navy and see the world.

Answer #10

Thanks for the support :)

Your whining and self pity is getting annoying. I really dont need to know the story of your life (although I do like to read people’s other questions so I am aware of what you have put up on here). I am pointing out the facts here. You will be 18 by the time this comes through. If I were trying to get out of my parent’s home, I’d be saving up money so when it came time to leave I wouldnt be out on the streets.

Answer #11

You’re welcome. :D

Answer #12

Just wait till you turn 18 and be done with it, it will come faster. I think.

Answer #13

once u turn 18, dont listen to anything anyone tells u, ur free, idc what mommy n daddy tell u

Answer #14

Yes. In California teenagers can go to court to become emancipated if they are in the TV/movie business. The reason for it is so the teenager can work longer hours, the same hours as adults. From the age of 6 to 18 they can only work 6 hours plus 2 hours of sturdy. The hours I may be wrong.

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