Do you think children have way to much access to adult orientated material these days?

After being a member of this site for a few weeks, I have come to the understanding that this generation has access to way more adult orientated content. What is your opinion on this?

Answer #1

Yes it is I think so, I wish it weren’t that way, kids need to stay kids

Answer #2

I think so yeah.But I guess if the parents trust the kids some are likely to do bad things and some are not.Also as well like if they aren’t trusted they can act out because they can’t do what they want, I don’t exactly know what the circumstances would be w

Answer #3

Yes I remember when I wanted to see a naked girl, it took me months to get my hands on that material. Now we pipe the stuff in the house for all to see.

Answer #4

yes, they do have too many ways to get to adult material

Answer #5

Well as a kid, if I acted out, I would get a boot in the butt. I don’t know, but it looks like a lot of parents could care less what their kids do, as long as they are not bothered by them.

Answer #6

That very true and I very much dissaprove of it

Answer #7

Yes! Growing up we had like 5 channels. And the internet was way too slow to be downloading anything. Honestly I am not sure what sort of effects the unprecedented access is going to have. It’s not just about having access, it’s about having access to the type of material that no one has had access to in the history of civilization. People used to have to use their imaginations for a whole lot of these things. With p0rn, they are able to see it. And it becomes more and more graphic. They also become desensitized to a lot of it. Which means they need more to feel as good (yes, I’m talking about the addi.ction cycle). It’s bad enough when adults view the material (not that I’m against p0rn, everything in moderation…), but for kids who are learning what is acceptable and what is not, kids who are still learning to set their moral compass, I do wonder how this is changing things. Of course how they’re going to research this is another question. You can’t put a kid in front of adult content and see what happens.

Answer #8

I work in IT and I have worked to filter the internet in my house, but there is no way to block everything, unless I just block everything and then I just allowed the site he needed. Then IT is my house would become a full time job. I want the content he browses in my house, but then when he goes out to a friends house, I have no control.

Answer #9

Growing up we had two channels on the TV and I was my dad’s remote, and there was no internet. I remember when we got our first computer, I think I was 17 and it was a Tandy 1000.

Answer #10

Yes way too much. And i do not believe it is doing our society any good at all either. Young kids, young as 11 are having sex where I live, not only do I find it disgusting, it just seems so wrong. Kids are growing up way too fast, and they want it.

Answer #11

I might add, I was one of those few really innocent kids when I was 13, I knew nothing whilst everyone around me was already sexually active before. Even in highschool, I did not know as much as others, now I do thiugh. I liked not knowing I was able to enjoy more kid things and play gamed with my sister, which now i dont have a chance to anymore.

Answer #12

I have talked about the subject of sex with my wife in the past, and from what she tells me sex for girls is not the same as sex for boys. She also told me it was not enjoyable, and feels that you should wait for that special person later in live. Women from what I understand, have to have a emotional connection with someone, before the act is ever enjoyable.

Answer #13

Oh I’m currently studying this in my Uni course. Statistics say that since p0rn became so easily accessible, the higher the rates of violence against women. As Ty said, often because of desensitization and the need of more to satisfy. And it also contributes to the objectification and dehuminization of women. I’m not exactly against it, but dont like it either.

Answer #14

Also yes kids need to be kids, and have fun, live a little, once you are old like me, LOL, you have to get a job, and there is less free time than you when you where a child. Plus your body will not let you be a active, think break and wear out.

Answer #15

Depends on the woman. But for a lot yes, for me it is definitely the case. If i see an attractive male, i had never thiught ‘i wanna have sex with him’ but it just left at ‘he’s hot’. I just dont think that, me personally, can ever have sex with someone I didn’t love.

Answer #16

That is a generalization. Sex is extremely enjoyable to lots of women (she really doesn’t like sex?). And lots of women enjoy sex without needing to be emotionally connected.

Answer #17

lol i remember I was still doing stupid kid things whilst girls were afraid of being pregnant. I prefer my innocence lol.

Answer #18

Well I will back down on this one.

Answer #19

Yeah.Thats like in alot of families.

Answer #20

^^*If i had a kid. Sorry lol i couldn’t edit the response.

Answer #21

No offense to anyone here! This is just my opinion!

The problem is that as technology became a free access to everything & anything so have our TV programing.

You can decide to not allow access to anything but as stated you cant control everything. If you shelter a child from the big bad world it’s only going to ruin his future. When he grows up and is need of dealing with the big bad world out there full of p0rn on sites, and verbal abuse out there then that child will develop so many fears & phobia’s so neither nor is right in my opinion.

I am a mid 70’s girl, we had the basic channels at home no one could afford anything else like a vcr back then. Channels, 2,4,5,7,9,11 & 13 is all we had. (That is right 7 channels and if you played with the round knob on it & the antenna you might even get the Spanish channel which was channel 47) Today, they have over hundreds of channels not to mention the internet! Who back then could dream of having a computer let alone internet! My first computer was in 1990…with windows 3.1 and a slow dial up modem 28 something so as for d/l that was simply not a possibility. Info was still not as free as it is today. You would get a pop up for an anti virus and perhaps some car company…but when it came to p0rn or nudity that was something I never even thought to even look at. In our time, kissing a boy was a hoopla thing…wow, u kissed a guy & were called more then ur ears could handle. Trips to the mall for some 0.99(cent meals) maybe some hello kitty stationary, pins, key chains with names on it & barely make up (more lip gloss & pony tail holders) looked at clothes but knew we couldnt afford much of it as for music back then if we could afford a tape because all was on records back then, you were lucky and it could fit that blue smurf Walkman cassette player plus radio ya got for your b-day with the 3 buttons on it. (play, fwd & stop) Playing basketball, kickball, swinging on a swing or playing spit (fast card game)at the park down the street is what we had to look fwd to or if you were lucky riding a bike was a plus, skates was only for the really lucky ones that parents really tried to impress with a real gift!) Now compare that to today’s world…who cares about stationary or ponytail holders (through eyes of a 12 year old) they thinking about sx & how to have it! smoking at age 7-10. Wondering about how to look more sxy for the boys at school so they need to get the shortest shirts & the highest of heels plus looking their best with tons of make up foundations & liquid eyeliners.. endless hours on games where they are introduced to fowl language & ped0files online browsing sites tv’s in the bedroom so who needs books anymore we’ll just catch it on the national geographic channel… Then we wonder why this world has turned into this superficial world! What kind of education are setting up for children, generations to come? We want to provide more the kids but in the long run we are just spoiling them more & more. You want your child to learn sit with him for more then an hour a day! Watch what he does on the computer so he doesnt fall helpless to sites that allow children to read things about s*x. They are curios, you as parents need to educate them not their friends not some site on the internet. if your child is under a certain age dont blow them off by saying ok, make sure you finish your hw while him being on the internet blogging the second he gets home from school. Before they notice the time, it’s 7pm, hw isnt done ready to have dinner but not go to bed by 10pm.
We cant shelter them, we cant smoother them, we cant allow them to have 100% freedom either. Its up to parents(adults, guardians) to look out and notice changes in their child’s life. If your kid comes home with blood shot red eyes at age 15…dont assume they were crying or are simply tired. Use that same computer to research what may be causing it. It doesnt take that much to come up with other suggestions to why that child’s eyes are blood shot red.

Choose to disregard what I am saying, choose to say she doesnt have kids she doesnt know, but dont you dare sit there & try to deny that what I say is right from the heart! Wake up & smell the coffee. It’s not 1970’s we are pushing 2011…and it is only going to get worse before it becomes any better!

Answer #22

Well you are right, it is only going to get worse, I don’t think it is going to get better. I have to say everyone has their own ideal on how to raise their child, and you are right all kids need your attention. I think as parents we are here to guide our children to adulthood and try to steer them to not repeat the mistake we have made. I do not think you smoother your kids, but if you are part of their lives then you become very aware of their problems and concerns. I believe a good parent is not one that can give their kids everything they want, I belive a good parent is one that gives their time, and steps in when they are wrong, and helps defend them from the big bad world until they can properly cope with it.

Answer #23

I couldnt agree more! Problem is most parents dont see that. They are too wrapped up in their own little world, leaving kids to fetch for themselves. Then they(the kids) feel that need to turn to a site for info rather then coming to them, which in my opinion is the saddest thing of all!

Most times, the one’s that are raising the kids are strangers. Then they (the parents) wonder what happened to the connection they both had between child & parent. When the parent wakes up one day many years later, when the child no longer cares & has become immune to his parents thoughts or inquiries, when the child comes home from school one day says hi, gotta go & the parent is like wohoo, you just got here, where are you off to. Then the quarrel begins. Like where have you been for 15 years of my life, in your own little world not caring about me & what now you pick the time to actually care by asking questions & stopping my routine. That is when I say dont blame it on that child…blame yourself as a parent for not caring for 15 years and now all of a sudden expect your child to do as you say just because now you chose to actually take the time to listen or care!

Pretty much what I am saying. Fact of the matter is that is exactly what seems to be happening. Parents put their kids last when they should prioritize, meaning kids before all! Makes me sad.

Answer #24

(for first answer) i think its because of new shows on tv and different toys out now, you ever see toyRus? they have freddie kruger action figures next to legos -_-

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