Questions & Answers

  1. Is Ben Stein Dead?
  2. May I close a question if I no longer need the help that was asked for?
  3. how come i have such i high pitched voice!?
  4. What's the best Sunless tanning lotion? .. Please tell me the price aswell, & i dont want it turning out orange, LOOL
  5. what are some really good online shops for polymer clay charms?
  6. Can someone please help me with my body weight??!!
  7. What is a good pet to get if you live in an home that doesnt allow cats and dogs and you have a two year old and baby on the way?
  8. What should i put in my hair to keep it healthy after swimming without shampooing?
  9. do highlighs fade?
  10. Why doesn't terminals of battery attract opposite charge?
  11. How do u apply liquid eyeliner to the bottom eyelid?
  12. Why am I always hungry 24/7, do I have a problem?
  13. what can she do to help the greeness go away?
  14. what are some good and not too expensive laptop brands?
  15. what is the prettiest hair style?? straight down, curly down, pony tail, cut short or long?
  16. Is there a better way to smile with braces?
  17. which is better for girls, shave their armpits or wax them?
  18. Why does my stomach hurt after I eat ?
  19. What do you think about inspection stickers on cars, do you think they should be mandatory by law?
  20. Should a 13 year old get a belly button piercing?
  21. What do you think of the prologue to a story I was working on?
  22. I accidenally hid the navigation toolbar on my firefox and the toolbar backclick menu won't appear again how do I get it back!?
  23. Does the L'oreal Paris 360 degrees clean face scruber thing work ?
  24. who tried the morning burst SURGE energizing power face cleanser?
  25. how can I grow a bigger butt for free & naturally, my ass is flat?
  26. do girls like guys that have a big butt?
  27. who likes gelato better than icecream?
  28. Who knows of some good Crip rappers?
  29. why is my the left side of my body sore, i mean its so sore i cant even lean on my left side. it hurts Badly???
  30. When you're having a really crummy day, what do you do for YOURSELF that makes you feel better?
  31. What is the easiest way to make friends on here?
  32. how can you make your lips plumer w/o surgery or those lip glosses?
  33. What should I wear to a talent audition?
  34. why are most earrings called earrings when their not rings? lol
  35. What's a "full" in gymnastics?
  36. How do I get ClamXav to work?
  37. What does a tattoo mean with three lines, like an equals sign but with another line underneath and each line is a little longer? Thanks.
  38. Is there a gold and white ink for tattoo's ?
  39. What are some things I can do to decrease my face's oiliness and make my skin tone more even?
  40. why do girls have pubes in the side of your vagina ??
  41. how do i get into the Comedy business?
  42. how to keep my maxima from getting stolen?
  43. Can exercise worsen a UTI?
  44. is it illegal to keep a stop sign?
  45. How does the American health care system work?
  46. Who watched the David Tua vs Monte Barett fight ??
  47. Does anyone know if The Good Will stores will pick up donations if the item is too large to bring to them such as a large dresser?
  48. why want my computer down anything?
  49. What do I do if my cousin touched me ?
  50. How do I know if this is constipation or something worse?
  51. What was the rule for matching skin tone to hair color, cool to warm, or cool to cool etc.?
  52. Who else does this stomach thing happen to?
  53. how expensive are P.I.'s???
  54. how would you explain the movie ''the fouurth kind''??????
  55. Is it normal for kittens to twitch a lot?
  56. How does Pipto-Bismol give you "a darkening stool ?"
  57. Whats the best hair product to use?
  58. How do I find old advice that I've given?
  59. Who here has went to or is going to a college hours away from home?
  60. Where can I find a gray cardigan with white cuffs and a white collar?
  61. What are some good things to keep in your locker for 7th grade?
  62. How Do I Download Psp Game Torrents Onto My Psp?
  63. What is the weirdest job interview you've ever had?
  64. Where has the stereotype about black people finding it hard to get taxis originated from ?
  65. how do i get fun advice to not send me e-mails?
  66. What weight would I have to be for modeling if I am 5'1?
  67. Which are worse mosquitoes or flies???
  68. What is the meaning of the name Tia-Lynn?
  69. Is it better to buy tickets to a water park online or not??
  70. Is Sea world or Six Flags better?
  71. Is Iron Man 2 good?
  72. What's the best lotion for sensitive skin?
  73. does everyone know when they have to go potty because they get nauseous?
  74. Who's heard of the band Cage The Elephant?
  75. where are my dimples from?
  76. What is the best pokemon card?
  77. who else thinks that Hayley Williams is amazing?
  78. how do u unfollow ppl ?
  79. Do any other schools anywhere give out netbooks to sudents for their school work?
  80. What courses do i gotta take to be an ea?
  81. Can syphilis cause acne?
  82. Is the way im going for my career okay?
  83. how do i clean my dry skin in natural way?
  84. In the movie GRETA staring HIlary Duff, whats on her list of things to do before she dies???
  85. Does anybody listen to Attila? :0
  86. What is a good drugstore facial toner(: ?
  87. What was the proper German name for the Nazi Youth League?
  88. what kind of car was in the 80's series "knight rider"?
  89. What are you opinions on the new "5 react gum"?
  90. What should i wear to my American Idol audition?
  91. What are all the little charms made of in the online store Pinc. Stuff?
  92. why want my compurter download anything?
  93. What contacts is Lady Gaga wearing in her Bad Romance video?
  94. Do betta fish sleep?
  95. how much would is coast to get Eminem to come to my birthday party and sing?
  96. How do you know if a Betta fish is dead?
  97. where can i find duct tape in different colors under $15?
  98. What is a good job that you can do yourself?
  99. why is my brother acting like my dad?
  100. What is the best russian rap artist?