Questions & Answers

  1. where could i get cheap or free maternity clothes from?
  2. what is a healthy food plans for a bigger girl?
  3. does the color of a males cum acutally matter? like white = is good clear = is ??
  4. What do you think of the new FDA approved "ella" 5 day emergency contraceptive pill?
  5. Should I be concerned if an ant bit my foot?
  6. what instruments are in the band boys like girls?
  7. How do I heal my throat?
  8. how do you send pictures from your mobile to your e-mail?
  9. How hard is it to hide a tattoo from your parents?
  10. Does anyone think hooking up with manager is a bad idea?
  11. what do u think this is .is it a baby snake?i found it at home in the kitchen
  12. do you celebrate christmas or hanaka?
  13. can i still graduate in 2 years if im currently doing 5th grade math,6th grade writing,reading,social studies,science?
  14. What are some cool things to do on my iPod touch?
  15. Is it true that if you buy a phone with out a plan that there is also an activation fee?
  16. how to make gelatin dessert?
  17. is it true that sleeping on your stomach is the best way?
  18. How do you make Lazy Man Cabbage Rolls?
  19. How can I convince my dad that his 30 year friendship with his friends mean nothing to his friends?
  20. Why is it that it says I haven't verified my itunes account even though I have and how can I fix it?
  21. Does anyone know what personality type they are according to the Meyers Briggs personality test?
  22. Why aren't my screenshots im taking in World of Warcraft not saving in the screenshots folder?
  23. what ever happen to Vitamin C, Christina Aguilara, LFO, Sara Michelle Gellar, Sisqo,?
  24. Why have I had a headache for the past three days?
  25. Why is there no decent cheats for the sims 3?
  26. WHAT if u had jello as blood?
  27. what is the right weight for every height?
  28. How do you get rid of mould that is growing on a carpet?
  29. What is it really like to go camping ad hiking?
  30. How do I convince my mom to get internet?
  31. Does this make me a hypocrite?
  32. How can someone send me money with paypal?
  33. Does your whole ear permently gets bigger when stretching your ears??
  34. Which u.s. President during their time in Office got stuck in the tub?
  35. how can i delete pop ups from my computer?
  36. what is going on with mi mom?
  37. Where can I find Count Chocula cereal?!
  38. Why are humans so pre-occupied with sex - no less now than can be seen in the records of ancient civs?
  39. WHAT if men had to breast feed?
  40. What type of extensions does Vanessa Simmons wear?
  41. Would you be able to paint the side of your fence facing the neighbour's side of the property line?
  42. how do you say "do work charley" in spanish?
  43. Why do people think blackberrys are so great?
  44. do jellie fishes have blud?
  45. What on earth am I going to do now?
  46. Can you make deals wit Satan and still be a Christian?
  47. How much more chance would I have of conceiving if me and my partner had normal intercourse or IVF?
  48. Who thinks lightning can make glass out of soil?
  49. How hard is it to have a pet teacup pig?
  50. Do you teens love chicken? Only answer I you are a teen
  51. Why does my location says where im not?
  52. Who thinks that the behaviour displayed by Juggalos at a recent ICP concert should be accountable by the band?
  53. Why does iTunes keep deleting my music?
  54. How do you tell if a website is legit?
  55. What are some things to do at like, a LITTLE kid party?
  56. What are some good names for a Parrot?
  57. Who thinks Britain should change the name "VJ Day" to something that doesn't focus on a single nation for the sake of being politically correct?
  58. how many times a day do you think we blink our eyes?
  59. When a guy blames his gf for everything even when its clearly his fault is that a sign of mental abuse?
  60. Who do you choose Ke$ha or lady gaga and why?
  61. what is the differences between signs and symbols?
  62. What do I do when my friends believe something they heard from someone else about me?
  63. How do I have a positive attitude around my family?
  64. Does anyone think that when someone puts so much belief into a scientific theory, its similar as being a religion?
  65. What is the best thing you have ever brought at a thrift store/ Opshop/ Garage sale?
  66. Who answers all these question 1 person or anyone?
  67. why did you chose to follow me?
  68. Do fish poop and pee?
  69. Can somoene tell me or lsit some sites on weaving or knotting frienship bracelets?
  70. How to apply a password on my personal accounts & client info folder for privacy on a common use office computer?
  71. how do fish ever rest if they never sleep?
  72. When will my kidney stones finally come out?
  73. Is it possible to edit an MP4 video in Windows Media Player?
  74. what are some good post-apocalyptic video games?
  75. what can i do if i left nair on to long?
  76. What should i do with all these eggs?
  77. How can i make my self look older?
  78. Where was Luke Bilyk born?
  79. Does Apple have an e-mail address for Customer Support?
  80. who plays peter on family guy?
  81. How do I know when my wisdom teeth holes are heeling?
  82. what song is this ?
  83. Which type of water is better for your face cold or hot?
  84. What benefit do blueberries give you?
  85. What different names do you know for bisexual names?
  86. How much would a Sony Ericsson phone battery roughly cost?
  87. where can i find a 32aa bra or 30a bra????
  88. How much sleep should i get?
  89. What are some good (non-emo) hardcore bands?
  90. What color should i paint my room?
  91. Who can help me with family issues?
  92. Does anyone know if Claires is a good place to get your ears pierced?
  93. why does my hp mini laptop volume stay down even though I bring it up?
  94. Who can tell me what Pepsi-Cola's mission statement is?
  95. Why do first person shooters have the main character not talk?
  96. How long can you call with your first free skype call?
  97. what if dogs meowed and cats barked would that be crazy?
  98. Why is it so hot in Texas?
  99. Who thinks that allowing MMA will boost Ontario's economy?
  100. Who knows if my Current phone, that is on orange pay as you go, has the SIM changed to an orange pay monthly SIM, if it will still work?