Questions & Answers

  1. Where do you find the appropriate information on learning SQL?
  2. Who has used SixStar or BodyFortress Creatine from Wal-Mart?
  3. What is the difference between nail varnish and nail polish?
  4. Does paranormal activity have any truth behind it?
  5. who else has read the new rick riordan books (the lost hero)?
  6. Are there cords you can buy to connect your laptop with a desktop computer, so it can get internet?
  7. How can I stop my hand from dragging in the pencil led when I'm writing?
  8. What are some good small liberal arts college on the east coast that I can consider safety schools?
  9. Is alcoholism a genetic thing?
  10. Why do i always have my hands on my face ?
  11. when do you think John Cena will get his life back, and no longer have to be a part of nextis?
  12. Did you ever have a dream that you were flying?
  13. Do you think government programs such as medicaid should be allowed to test women for illegal substances during their pregnancy?
  14. why do people ask questions that can be simply answered correctly in a real website, instead of asking random people what to do?
  15. How old do you need to be to work at HMV?
  16. how do you start an argument essay for English 9 College Prep?
  17. How old do you have to be to work stock ay foot locker or foot action?
  18. can I substitute margerine for shortening in cookie recipes?
  19. How should I persuade a fish to jump out of its bowl?
  20. Is it normal for your breasts to swell during your mensturation?
  21. When is Pro choice day?
  22. What happens at the end of the movie Candyman?
  23. How much can young celebrities like Vanessa Hudgens,Emma Watson,Miley Cyrus,and Taylor Swift can actually bench press?
  24. Why are the most interesting questions being posted on here, from a year or more ago?
  25. what is the point of getting points on here?
  26. Why do I keep getting points for answers I supposedly gave on questions that I did not answer?
  27. When writing the procedure in a lab report do u write it in steps or paragrraph form?
  28. What does it mean provide 2 professional references and 1 personal reference?
  29. Is the brown eyed/blue eyed experiment still a relevant exercise?
  30. Why does the government not have a better health care plan for the elderly?
  31. What does it mean when you try to make a password and it says "Your password must contain at least 1 non-alphanumeric character(s)"?
  32. Why do you have to do Senior Project?
  33. How can I get a free copy of Photo Shop?
  34. do the words "home" "questions" etc look blurry to anyone else?
  35. Where can I sell an un opened brand new ENV Touch cell phone for a price close to it original?
  36. What's the most tragic first dance wedding song?
  37. what is tradition your family follow when someone dies?
  38. When someone diables the text feature on their phone, do they still receive the texts sent when they turn it back on?
  39. who nows good tips on breeding crickets?
  40. Is Mala Rodriquez married?
  41. can someone explain what this geography question means?
  42. Can anybody tell who are Mala Rodriguez's parents?
  43. How many of the things on your bucket list have you managed to do this year?
  44. How do you go about 'divorcing' your parents?
  45. What is the best why to keep your hair striaght when its humid or sweaty? :P
  46. Does any of Emilie Autumn's crazy outfits have a brand name?
  47. What's a good screen capturing software that's free and records audio?
  48. why is it when someone cracks a part of their body, I get an unbearable urge to crack my knuckles ?
  49. How can he fix his xbox 360?
  50. What is the weirdest impression anyone has ever made on you?
  51. What is this video game?
  52. What make a the check engine light come on and stay on ?
  53. How des the secret shopper position work?
  54. Why did my arms suddenly become really muscular?
  55. Does anyone know what this weight loss technique is called?
  56. How long after I answer questions does it take for me to get points?
  57. What's the most insane lie you've told to your parents or friends?
  58. How can i tell my mom that i smoke?
  59. How Do You Make A Dogs Eye Stop Bleeding?
  60. What was the Pilgrims main water source?
  61. What is your most fond memory?
  62. why is everyone so hooked on silly bands?
  63. Why is the Jersey shore popular?
  64. What would you do if there was a girl in one of your classes who was pregnate..?
  65. Whats real about reality tv?
  66. how to write an essay from an article in the book?
  67. Who knows a lot about Taranto, Canada?
  68. How did the white wedding dress originate?
  69. What could cause an odd taste in your mouth every time you eat?
  70. Who knows where how to get around organising a Soccer trail can any1 help me please??
  71. What is HCl element wise?
  72. Why should i go for circumsition at the age of 42?
  73. What are the treatments for babies that were exposed to her.oin in the womb?
  74. Does anybody know how to stiffen or harden suede?
  75. Where is Lebanon?
  76. how do you make shapes and stuff like that on your laptop?
  77. What is the easiest way to learn how to Java Script?
  78. Who knows if phosphorescence explosive?
  79. What are some everyday household items that contain chlorine atoms?
  80. Would it be possible for my parents to set up a wifi network where if I connected they would be able to see what I was doing?
  81. Why can't I write a good essay?
  82. When does the new A Day to Remember album come out?
  83. Does anyone have any problems with your arm pits breaking out, in little red itchy spots?
  84. What to do if a little kid makes fun of you?
  85. Where can i buy tickets to the LSU vs. Alabama football game?
  86. Are there any self defense classes in Victorville or Apple Valley?
  87. What are the symptoms of juvenille arthritus and arthritus or is there something else this could be?
  88. what italian sides are there?
  89. How do you make Sims boobs bigger on Sims 3?
  90. how do i download a flip video that was emailed to me?
  91. How do you get drunk by drinking vanilla extract?
  92. where can you get cheap superdry hoodies from?
  93. Is "patientlessly" a word?
  94. How much is a mixed drink, beer, and glass of wine generally at clubs/bars where your from?
  95. How did Bigfoot get to Mars?
  96. Where exactly is Maldives located?
  97. What can i put in water besides baby formula (cause im out) to give my 11 month old son so he can drink?
  98. Should my motherboard be under a seperate warranty?
  99. Would an ulcer affect your period?
  100. how can i get over guys always telling me about my small breast?