What could cause an odd taste in your mouth every time you eat?

For the past couple of days, every time I eat (different foods)…I get the same odd taste in my mouth. It’s not a horrible taste, but I just don’t like it. It’s not normal….I want to taste my food, not that odd taste. Food usually tastes like it smells, my food smells so good…and I start eating, and it’s like…”ick, wth?”

The taste is hard to describe, it kind of tastes like…a freezer. Lol, I know that doesn’t make sense…but if you smell a freezer, it just that smell. I don’t know.

What could make this happen?

Answer #1

Being sick, perhaps? Or eating too much of something like pineapple, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth after a while :P

Answer #2

I don’t think I’m sick, and I haven’t ate a lot of the same foods lately. Especially not pineapple, I haven’t had that in a while.

Answer #3

Hmm, then maybe see a doctor? (:

Answer #4

I don’t think it’s necessary to go to the doctor over this, it’s not that big of an issue. I just want to know what could be causing it.

Answer #5

tea party leaves;

Answer #6

That’s understandeable (:

Answer #7

Have you recently switched to a new toothpaste or mouth wash? That might be causing it. If you always eat with the same utensils (like you eat with the forks in your home as opposed to the forks at friends houses AND resteraunts AND your house) then maybe there’s something wrong with them? Have you checked how well they’re being rinsed off after washing? Or if you use a dishwasher; did you change detergents? That’s really all I can think of…I’ll tell you if I think of more reasons ^.^

Answer #8

I don’t think those are the reason. Haven’t switched anything. Even things I am not using a fork with (sandwiches) have the odd taste. :(

Answer #9


Answer #10

Hmm…recent dentist appointment? And if so did they use a different flavor of flouride (sp?) than usual?

Answer #11

Nope. I’ve been home, doing the same things, haven’t switched anything…and out of nowhere. BOOM! Odd taste. -_-

Answer #12

Lol my reaction exactly xD

Answer #13


Answer #14

like toothpaste

Answer #15

No. -_-

Answer #16

If you havn’t been sick yet, your body is trying to get sick. But I don’t know.. Research it.. Maybe you at something or some food that had an ingredident that has or had a bad aftertaste?

Answer #17

Ah. Takes me back to one of the first questions I answered on here. Think it was Connor’s too. The bacteria in your mouth are most likely the cause, they are pretty much the only thing that could change the taste or smell. Unless something like gingivitis? Is it a metallic taste? Do your gums bleed when you brush?

Answer #18

If it was gingivitis or anything like that, why would it just start these past 3 days. :l I don’t think I have that.

Answer #19

The thing is, I don’t think this is a bad after taste from food. If it was, it wouldn’t last 3 days.

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