What is your most fond memory?

I want to know the first memory that poped into your head not something that came up after you sat and thought about it for awhile.

Answer #1

The only memory I have of my mom before she passed when I was little. She was pushing me on a swing trying to feed me potato salad.

Answer #2

Spending time with my unfortunately deceased granddaddy. Spending time with him was the best. I miss him terribly =’(

Answer #3

Aw thts cute

Answer #4

When I was a kid after my mom would leave the house, I’d sneak into her room and play around with her make-up. Then I’d dress myself up and pretend I was like her, staring in her mirror. I liked imitating her.

Answer #5

haha flirting with my best friend(who is a girl) in a book store in the mall haha. i was there with her and her aunt(who was my age) and i was suppose to be “with her” aunt(no real relationship tho) but my friend and i were having fun and we were flirting haha those were the good old days. wish i could get them back

Answer #6

what is your most fond memory haha

Answer #7

When I was little (probably 3 or 4) and my mum was trying to film me saying something cute. I was too embarrassed in front of the camera and I wouldn’t do it again. It was still an amazing memory though. My family and I don’t really have nice moments like that anymore.

Answer #8

Going to the beach as a kid before I moved, and just not having a care in the world there, no worries, nothing could bring me down, when you look back and see how happy I was when I was at the beach it amazes me. I’m still happy now but those where the days (:

Answer #9

The day I met my best friend in the whole world. It was in the 5th grade and the first day of school. From that day on, we could not do anything without the other. She is like a part of me and I’m a part of her. We talk to eachother on the phone and e-mail often. I want to come see her soon. I miss her. =’(

Answer #10

My dad used to read me and my little brother bedtime stories. Me and my little brother would switch off, one night he’d get to choose the book and sit on my dad’s lap, the next night i’d get to choose the book and sit on his lap. :) I loved The Giving Tree, Thumbelina, and Jack in the Bean Stalk.

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