What's the most insane lie you've told to your parents or friends?

I’m just curious. Tell me what was the most insane lie you’ve told your parents or friends?

I’ve told so many lies to my parents, can’t remember, and I’m glad I can’t.

Answer #1

I dont ever lie to my parents. I rather be honest with them, odds are they’ll let me do whatever im trying to do. If they dont, then theres a reason they are not letting me. Im too much of an honest & brutal person to lie haha.

Answer #2

I don’t really lie to my parents all that often lol, because they usually don’t ask. Plus, there’s no point in them asking because if they find something out they can’t do anything about it- I’m amazing at blackmailing. And they have so many dirty little secrets xD It’s fun. (mwuahaha)

Answer #3

I hid a lot of stuff… i cant remember even 1 of them… well, one was fb. i really cant remember.

Answer #4

the usual, “i’m sleeping at my best friend’s house and she’s sleeping at mine”, then we stay out all night

Answer #5

I told them that a kid at school cut my shirt when i actually did it, i put gum on my neck and said he put glue on my neck, and i said he called me a few names….i was in kindergarten and i was gladly introduced to the belt after that lol. now i look back and laugh! haha

Answer #6

Lying is an art, you need to master it to become fully aware of what happens next. think out the lie before you say it. i have so many you guys would be bored with my stories haha

Answer #7

i lie to my mom about pretty much everything because she is so over-protective. a few weeks ago, i got a huge hicky on my neck and could not let my mom know what it actually was. so while i was still at my friends house, i took a curling iron and lightly touched it to my hicky, enough to make it red but not actually burn my skin. then i curled my hair and went home and told my mom i had just burned myself with the curling iron by accident (:

Answer #8

yes i went to my english class, she just marked me absent cuz i was late

Answer #9

I used to lie to my parents about almost EVERYTHING. and i cant remember any specific lies that i did tell them. funny thing is i got away with most of it

Answer #10

so true

Answer #11

I don’t usually lie to my mom but this weekend I told her I was staying at a friends house when really I was out at my first party, I don’t regret going I just wish I could tell her. That is probably the biggest lie I have ever told my mom, usually we are very honest with eachother and I tell her almost everything in my life, but I knew my mom would not approve of what I did this weekend so I am keeping it a secret. I don’t think lieing is good at all, and honestly being honest with people is what gains you trust.

Answer #12

Ha, I don’t even know. I’m a master at lying. I told my ex I got high with these guys and had sex with them. I think I told him I was joking though. I don’t lie alot anymore.

Answer #13

Lol! like most people here… lying about EVERYTHING!!! like blaming broken stuff on my brother…anything just to make them angry.. i always got caught but i turned slick now i get away with most of it

Answer #14

You suave cat, you.

Answer #15

I don’t think I’ve ever lied to my mum. Lying is disrespectful.

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