Is the brown eyed/blue eyed experiment still a relevant exercise?

I’m sure many of you are aware of this experiment conducted by schoolteacher Jane Elliot after the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968. To put the experiment in basic terms, children were seperated into two groups, depending on their eye colour, some were granted extra privileges, while the others had some taken away. The roles were later reversed. But it’s certainly interesting to watch the initial seperation, and how the children in both groups react, some feeling superior, others becoming withdrawn. What was really going on was an exercise in racial equality, at a time when racial tension was very high. Infact, the experiment gathered a huge deal of national interest and created controversy. If you’ve not seen the programme (it is old) you can watch it here I never did anything like this at my school, I’m not sure what the reaction would have been. is it still a worthy experiment?

Answer #1

i think it is! there will always be prejudices, even if they don’t involve skin color in particular.

Answer #2

I dont think it was ever relevant. This would never have been allowed today. Not only is this not an ‘experiment’ in the truest sense of the word but it is highly traumatizing for the children involved. People who do not have training in psychology need to not conduct experiments they know nothing about. Also if you compare this to the Stanford Prison Experiment you could argue that it is not the racial issue that ends up being highlighted but simply the fact that being told you’re superior and that you have power influences your behavior. Does this in anyway diminish the very real discrimination being faced by minorities, absolutely not, but that anyone took this pseudoscientific ‘experiment’ serious is disturbing.

Answer #3

Intersesting points, I’ve only recently seen it for the first time, as part of an employment training exercise, and I really wwasn’t sure how I felt about it. We had intimated too use that it become quite influential, so it’s interesting to hear a different slant on it, that makes one think differentlt how the whole process.

Answer #4

Typo’s - intimated to us*

Answer #5

i agree! i was thinking about it in a completely different way!

Answer #6

I saw something like that awhile ago, pretty interesting stuff. Reminds me of the nazis trying to find away to make brown eyes blue by injecting something in them. She explained to the children after what it was all about and taught them a leason, you heard from the kid’s after and even though they’re little, they all obviously understood what she was showing them.

Answer #7

Woah, I posted this two years ago, kinda cool to get an answer after all this time!

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