Questions & Answers

  1. What is a good product to put on your nails to keep them from breaking?
  2. Why do people always worry more about the health of their pets than their own health?
  3. Why is it that nuns and preists wear black and white when the world is far from black and white?
  4. What programme can I use to open an EPUB file?
  5. Why do adults talk alot to make their point b.cos it's annoying?
  6. who is the antagonist in nancy drew: the moonstone castle mystery ?
  7. Why does my washing machine take so long?
  8. is it bad for me to add salt to my cats dinner?
  9. What can I do about my knee?
  10. What do you when you find out what your birthday present and its an expensive gift you dn't want?
  11. Do you think its sad if a good friend of urs cant describe u in 3 words?
  12. How do I know if I have an addiction to spending money?
  13. Why is the first child usually the good child?
  14. Why do i get random ear pains?
  15. Is enzymatic toothpaste okay to use on my puppy without a ''prescribtion'' from the vet?
  16. Why are homosexuals so hated by christians if jesus preached love for everyone?
  17. Why do people hate on others' favorite music?
  18. How do you make beef crispitos?
  19. what is interior photography?
  20. Can an infected boil near the anus lead to anal fistula?
  21. how to differentiate status updates from questions when asking them and looking for them on this site?
  22. What is a good low carb alcoholic mix drink, I have not yet found one I like, I prefer to mix with Tequila.
  23. What kinds of things usually go in a Christmas stocking?
  24. How would you make a dessert using vanilla jello pudding and graham cracker crusts?
  25. Do you think it is important to take business classes in order to set up a small business?
  26. Why did this site automatically assume that I am straight?
  27. Who has a special place they like to go to where they feel calm or peaceful?
  28. How Can I fix my Converse?
  29. What would you call these uniforms?
  30. whats the longest you've been away from the love of your life &why?
  31. can you make cookies without eggs?
  32. How much does it cost to make a new set of keys?
  33. How does a lightbulb just burn out?
  34. Are jellyfish deadly, can they be really dangerous?
  35. How do you react to family emergencies?
  36. What informatiom does employment background sow?
  37. What are the best companies to invest in the stock-market?
  38. Which three celebrities should I use for this Spanish project?
  39. what makes some spiders/insects able to walk on top of water?
  40. What does spamming the board mean when you just have alot of questions you wonder that ARE queestions?
  41. Who thinks you should be allowed to go out/have a bf if your responsible?
  42. Do you crave any particular food while on your cycle?
  43. does anyone else like to eat oreo cookies with peanut butter?
  44. what causes hiccups & which is the easiest way to stop them?
  45. How is the online for Black Ops?
  46. Does anyone know any great study ideas?
  47. how come my phone will randomly shut off and then reset?
  48. what does course of study mean in a job application?
  49. what do you think of this title for a research essay paper?
  50. Why am I all of a sudden into older guys?
  51. What should I do for a 3 year old rottie's upset stomach?
  52. What is the corniest music video you've ever seen?
  53. How do I get my little girl to cut her hair?
  54. what are your views about muslims(their religion) in america in the 21st century?
  55. Where can i buy a triton keyboard for cheap?
  56. How much does it costs to get your beginners license in Ontario Canada?
  57. How do I save up money from £5-£34 ?
  58. how do i grow my afro bigger?
  59. Which reptile would be best for a beginner which has never had one before?
  60. what is NCLG?
  61. What are some good abbreviations?
  62. Do you guys think we will die at a more younger age since our water has "poison", our air is polluted and most of our foods have pesticides and such?
  63. Can having your period cause the front of your thigh to hurt ?
  64. Who knows about how real estate agents earn income?
  65. Which satellite provider would you recommend?
  66. How can i follow peoples blogs on
  67. What are some clever, "scary" names that you can come up with?
  68. Does Walmart hire felons?
  69. Who has a funny holiday story they'd like to share?
  70. Who has their holiday shopping started?
  71. Can you create an email and set it to be send in a year?
  72. What is the best thesis for computer science?
  73. Is it safe to machine wash Converse?
  74. How would you go about finding a good real estate agent?
  75. How do you greet a celebrity?
  76. How do you get rid of skunk odor?
  77. What does it mean when someone calls a woman a cougar?
  78. What Thanksgiving/Christmas feast food is your favourite?
  79. Does UPS deliver tomorrow?
  80. Why did the H1N1 virus have so much hype even tho it had a low mortality rate?
  81. Who loves the new Dante!?
  82. Is anyone else peeved that the US are creating their own version of Skins that follows identical story lines instead of just watching the original British one?
  83. What do you do during the holidays to help the less fortunate?
  84. Why does funlink delete my questions?
  85. Where can I find my referral link in funadvice?
  86. Is it statistically true that girls learn faster than boys, and why?
  87. Why is it that long ago it was ok to have a baby at let's say 14, and today its looked upon as irresponsible?
  88. What do you think about egotistical people?
  89. What tastes better, pumpkin or sweet potato pie?
  90. What do you think about people who continuously argue with true facts, evidence, and proof?
  91. What educational sites can I get on at school?
  92. how tall do you have be to be an Air hostess ?
  93. What are the full requirements to get into the christian college Liberty University?
  94. How long do you defrost a turkey before bakeing it?
  95. Why is it that men are more prone to murder than women are?
  96. Why does the spot where my laptops sound come out tune in and out sometimes?
  97. What are the plastic bits on the end of shoe laces called?
  98. what are the sat/act requirements for the University of Chicago?
  99. what we can do funny with using 3rd generation mobile telephony services?
  100. What Hotels In Vegas Accept A Visa Debit Card?