Questions & Answers

  1. What does it mean when a guy askes me have i ever meet your mom and what would your mom say about me if she saw me??
  2. Join a Fraternity or not?
  4. 17 were can i find a job in california without a work permit
  5. How do you think the playstation 4 would be?
  6. Single People: How many of you have a desire to be with someone?
  7. What do you think if somebody say this to a woman?
  8. Why burger king employees eat at Macdonalds?
  9. FROM Address at the SMTP Level?
  10. How to tell my parents I'm dating an older guy
  11. How to make a catapult?
  12. problems with itunes
  13. I need help with a friend?
  14. Should I take an HPT (need opinions)?
  15. How do you purchase someones video on youtube?
  16. Is it just me or i feel very different from people?
  17. Do you think that 20 dollars is too much for a baseball cap?
  18. fishing equipment
  19. What is the adverb and verb in this sentence "First, we saw the lions."
  20. What is the difference between chino pants and skinny jeans?
  21. i feel like prisoner in my home because there is so much things going around here that is making me nervous i feel like nobody cares and that it
  22. How can i improve my voice for giving a speech or just simple talking?
  23. When its a good time to use hats not caps?
  24. is it ok to take expired Tylenol?
  25. Does Procera AVH really works?
  26. Does anyone know ?
  27. What do you do when your boyfriend's family call you his ex girlfriends name?
  28. How can I get over someone I see everyday?
  29. How do I prove to my philosophy professor that I exist?
  30. what is a good way to start a journal?
  31. is there a south african available to ensure a negative result in drug test
  32. are there home remedies to ensure I negative result for urine drug tests
  33. what will remove traces of opiates and meth in a urine drug test?
  34. How can I establish a friendship with someone I met at a bar?
  35. I need help figuring out what to eat while doing Hot Yoga?
  36. What do you think of this situation?
  37. What would benefit me more if I wanted to be an English teacher-drama or modern studies?
  38. How should I ask a girl to prom Harry potter style
  39. any has windows 8.. i need help with the password?
  40. Do you think this was a shocking thing to say to a friend?
  41. am I anorexic??!!
  42. why does my cat lick my hand and then bite it?
  43. How do I convince my parents I want to live on my own?
  44. Do i have a clueless face?
  45. what would cause gas to smell real bad?
  46. What zodiac sign in women are more difficult to get?
  47. I need help with my relationship.
  48. What type of clothing look good with short hair?
  49. Why Macdonalds doesnt have fried chicken like in other countries?
  50. How to talk with an older business person and persuade him?
  51. how old do you have to be to adopt a child
  52. Do you think it's possible to make yourself love someone? Same time, do you think it's possible to make yourself not love someone?
  53. What is a really random femal duet from a musical?
  54. InGame Overlay chat
  55. Normally which type of bowls you prefer for Dog food and why ?
  56. How to get this guy to like me?
  57. What does this mean?
  58. Are you a good person?
  59. What does this mean. Can anyone help me with this(please lots of opinions and an
  60. What does it mean when someone says "you look as if you've seen a ghost"?
  61. what temp to cook salmon steak?
  62. Am deciding to become a model?
  63. Am i pregnant? I need help!
  64. Why do I have nightmares AFTER my bf leaves in the morning?
  65. what can my daughters therapist tell me?
  66. What is FTC in SEO Agencies?
  67. Jobs for a 14 year old in El Paso,TX?
  68. Why are some americans so ignorant about Canada?
  69. What exactly is the immigration reform that has been on the news lately?
  70. what should i do?
  71. Is it possible that those super agents really exist?
  72. Is it bad to be Catholic but like Buddha?
  73. under what circumstances would you file a stay away order?
  74. Should I name my online Etsy shop MakinMikrazy or YouMakeMikrazy?
  75. I find this theory too crazy to be true? Cute and nice girls without a boyfriend
  76. Can I start something like this or is it illegal?
  77. What is the best solution to the noise pollution caused by Dirt Bike exhaust systems?
  78. What software can allow you to send maximum of e-mails per day?
  79. How to create facebook account without phone verification?
  80. When i have sex with my gf, i cant really feel anything. please help!!!!!!!!
  81. Is there a Nyan Cat archive on FanFiction?
  82. What is better to use for the teeth plackers or dental floss?
  83. Should I go for a senior?
  84. Was he genuine when he said this?
  85. How a woman would react to this?
  86. Who can help me with a project idea?
  87. how can i make my arms more hairy
  88. Where do I find out what the guidelines are on here?
  89. Can a player really change ??? If he really like a girl
  90. How should I do it?
  91. Is there any realistic way to increase height... If yes , please do reply as soon as possible ________
  92. How can I convince my boyfriends mom to let him sleep over?
  93. Is this a stupid idea for Valentine's Day? Maybe some guys can answer?
  94. Would a loving God burn people forever?
  95. If Jesus is God, then why did he pray to himself?
  96. cum eating is good or bad ?
  97. Best Greens Drink for overall Health?
  98. Did Samson and Delilah really exist?
  99. what are 1 or 2 personality traits you wouldnt deal with?
  100. is it to late to try to prevent a hangover after drinking a bit?