How can I get over someone I see everyday?

My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday at school. I’m crying almost all the time. I really really was in love with him. I understand it’s for the best this way but I’m very sad and I don’t know what to do. The worst part is - we go to the same school and most of the rooms we have classes in are next to each other. Any advice?

Answer #1

You need to just give yourself time. Break ups take a long time to get over. I suggest you hang out with your friends and do things you love to do, whether that be a sport or drawing or whatever, to get your mind off of your ex. Just know that this sadness will pass and you won’t feel like this forever :)

Answer #2

i agree, just give it time you just broke up with him yesterday of course your gonna be sad. just try to keep your mind busy or try to just think positive.

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