How to tell my parents I'm dating an older guy

I’m 13 and he just turned 16 we are only 2 and a half years apart and I don’t want it to be a secret. I really want to tell my parents but they are really really strict and I’m afraid they will make us break up. Before we started dating we acted like a couple to see what it was like, a lot of people said it was weird the way we acted with each other and told us to stop talking. He said he can never stop talking to me after we didn’t talk for a week because it felt like my heart was ripped out. I really feel like he is the one because he says he wants me to be his first and he said he’s willing to wait however long it takes. He’s such a sweet boy and I feel that my parents will like them but I’m just so scared on what they will say, I can’t lose him again because I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have him. And I don’t want to keep our relationship a secret till I’m 16 and not be able to show my feelings for him in public. The only reason people thinks its weird is they only think about our grade difference he is in 11th and I’m in 7th but they don’t think about our AGE. Please help I really love him and don’t want to lose him because I’m a pretty girl and if guys ask me out and I say no all the time till I’m 16 people are going to be asking questions especially for the type of girl I am….

Answer #1

Wait if you’re in the 7th grade and he’s in the 11th grade that’s way more than just a 2 and a half year age gap. And I think it is a little awkward because you’re both at different stages in your lives. You’re not even in high school yet and he’s almost on his way to graduating. Just be careful because high school boys are usually only after one thing if you know what I mean. I dated an older guy a long time ago and we were all lovey dovey like you two and he told me he’d wait until I was ready, but eventually he got fed up with waiting… I think it would be best to tell your parents instead of keeping it a big secret….

Answer #2

I Thi k you should find someone a little closer to your age, but that’s just my opinion. Like KaHeeLee said high school boys are usually only after one thing. Good luck to you

Answer #3

Giving us high school boys a bad name I swear.

Answer #4

Sadly… majority are like that, not all ;o oh definitely not all, but most.

Answer #5

Hahaha, it’s definitely not all high school boys, just most lol.

Answer #6

Faithful tell your parents, good communication once, believe that they will understand, bless you, with you sincerely touched them

Answer #7

I think parents will respect children’s choice, if you insist,

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