Questions & Answers

  1. Is Betadine solution good for a belly ring cleaning?
  2. Do you take vitamins?
  3. How can I snack healthier?
  4. Where is the nicest place to visit in America?
  5. How do I increase my confidence?
  6. Why won't Limewire work?
  7. How to get a background to show on a private Myspace?
  8. How to steep tea and for how long?
  9. Do you love God?
  10. How do I give the right first impression?
  11. What should I pack for vacation?
  12. How to get back into Myspace?
  13. Anyone know any fun jobs?
  14. Can you tell me how to do some breakdance moves?
  15. What should I do for my 17th birthday?
  16. Where to find a scholarship for my studies?
  17. What is the color of an apple?
  18. Are Nigerians black in color?
  19. What's the right way to increase my weight?
  20. How can I stop being so shy?
  21. How to get someone to have sex with you?
  22. How to boot someone from a room on Myspace?
  23. Can I be pregnant with a negative test result?
  24. Can we still be friends after I've been dumped?
  25. Does Myspace share Adsense revenue?
  26. Is there a website to rate your neighbors?
  27. What is a cool profile name for AIM?
  28. What's the fan e-mail for the Jonas Brothers?
  29. Am I gay because I do this?
  30. Is this a good or bad plan?
  31. Can you make photo comments private?
  32. Is it OK to become an Athiest if I've been confirmed?
  33. When will sex stop hurting?
  34. What should I get him for Christmas?
  35. Why doesn't fingering myself work?
  36. Can someone be in love at 15?
  37. How to get rid of extra belly fat?
  38. Do hot girls actually go on the Internet?
  39. What's the best way to mast*rbate?
  40. How should I dye my hair?
  41. Do Relacore weight loss pills work?
  42. How do I make my bangs look better?
  43. What can I do to make myself feel better?
  44. How do I delete a question I've asked?
  45. Should I justify how I spend my time to my parents?
  46. How can I lose weight fast?
  47. What do you think of my poem?
  48. Do virgins have two vaginal canals?
  49. How can my Mom and I get help?
  50. Am I fat and ugly?
  51. Should I try to keep my distance from this guy?
  52. How can I handle tension between these important people?
  53. How can I learn cheerleading?
  54. How do I choose between five guys?
  55. Why don't guys like me?
  56. What's the best unknown band in the world?
  57. How can you make your legs look skinny?
  58. Do you love your job?
  59. Should we have a baby when I'm 13?
  60. What's a thirod and what does it do?
  61. How can I hide a detention from my parents?
  62. Could my parents file a runaway report?
  63. What should I say to my sexist teacher?
  64. What should I say to my mean friend?
  65. Where do I stand from 1-10?
  66. How do you get a high ponytail for your hair?
  67. What is a Dachshund?
  68. Honestly, do I look fat?
  69. Do leggings make a person's legs look fat?
  70. Would you say this is bullying?
  71. How can I stop my bulimia?
  72. How do you get someone's attention?
  73. How can I become more clever?
  74. Are my legs too muscular?
  75. What is there to do in Mountain View?
  76. How do you take care of a Money Tree?
  77. How can I get him to see the real me?
  78. Will anyone be my weight loss buddy?
  79. Where can an ex-felon work in Texas as a paralegal?
  80. Why do people like to study outside?
  81. Why do people judge anorexics?
  82. Can you be pregnant and still have your period?
  83. How do I start a commercial radio channel in India?
  84. Do Blackberry Pearl phones have ringtones?
  85. I don't want to be anorexic
  86. What if I like a boy but so does my friend?
  87. Do I look like Kira Knightly?
  88. How can I delete a photo here?
  89. Is anyone from London here?
  90. Where can I get glow-in-the-dark hair dye?
  91. What if you love a boy who makes you cry?
  92. Is it normal for a girl to fall out of love?
  93. Does anyone believe in vampires and werewolves?
  94. How to hack into a cheater's e-mail?
  95. How do I get stick legs like a model?
  96. Does Christianity exist?
  97. How do I get pink highlights for one night?
  98. How can I get my skin tone to lighten?
  99. How do I housebreak my puppy?
  100. How can I tell which turntables are for mixing?