How to get someone to have sex with you?


Answer #1

First up you cannot MAKE someone have sex with you. Perhaps your girlfriend has reasons as to why she doesn’t want to. Maybe she feels insecure about herself or you even. This could be her first time and she may want it to mean something, something she will remember for the rest of her life.

Sit her down, have a talk heart to heart, no interruptions like TV or phone. Treat her with respect and DON’T jump to sex. Start off with how is work/school/life, ask her if she is happy in the relationship, tell her you love her. Maybe you could remind her of some good memories you have together. Talk about your ambitions for the future.. some things may come out of her like “to marry you” if she says something like this, do not jump to conclusions, she is taking her time, she wants to make sure she doesn’t make a mistake with you. If sex is not brought up, bring it up gently, ask her how she feels about it and what does she like to do (not sexual intercourse, maybe like foreplay) and when does she think she will be ready. Tell her you will stand by her whatever her answer because you do not want to hurt her physically or emotionally. You love her (i hope) and will respect her. Let her know this. Then when she tells you her answer you will have a more clearer understanding as to either why or when, or both.

Good Luck and remember do not pressurise her

Answer #2

If you want sex, but she doesn’t; either SHE changes her personal beliefs (unlikely), or you wait until she’s ready, or YOU find a new girlfriend.

But if she wants to be married before she has sex, you need to make sure you have more reasons to marry her, other than; “I’ll FINALLY GET SEX”

Answer #3

That is it, i’m locking this thread. There is no need for abusive behaviour. If it continues then I will report it. Sue is absoloutely correct, she is an advisor, it is her job on here to make sure everything remains calm and appropiate. No more will be heard about it.

Answer #4

Dear theagu, This is pretty unusual unless there is some religious belief or a prearranged agreement that there would be no sex during your entire relationship??? Have you not discussed this before with here. There is something missing with this question. Sue…good luck

Answer #5

Wait until she’s ready. Maybe she won’t have sex with you because you’re putting too much pressure on her to sex with you. Just be patient. Respect that maybe she wants to wait until she gets married. And if you love her, then you should ask her to marry you.

Answer #6

The topic for your post doesnt coincide with your question. Why didnt you just say, “how do i get my girlfriend to have sex with me”?

You dont say how old she is, and why she doesnt want to have sex. How long has this been an issue for you?

Answer #7


Answer #8

In her defense, the word ‘rape’ is also a slang term in the UK…

But I don’t think she implied the ‘slang derivative’ in this case.

Answer #9

torimate, This was offencive to all women not just the holy ones. I hope you retract this statement. Sue

Answer #10

…it should be offensive to anyone who claims to be human, not just all women.

Answer #11

Yeah. Respect her personal beliefs, you silly goose.

Answer #12

Marry her, she’ll be willing then

Answer #13

Find an other g/f. A 21 yo healthy male must have regular and satisfying sexual practice.

Answer #14

sue ur an advisor cant u retract it why complain about it she said JUST JOKES u ppl r so high strung why not go and do some thing about it in real life ppl get away with it every second and they should all be put 2 DEATH any one who comments agains puting them 2 DEATH ur one of them who F* up ppls lives just in my opinion

Answer #15

i beleive captainassissin is correct once again…

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