Questions & Answers

  1. How to breed a piebald dachshund?
  2. How to get rid of scars from zits?
  3. Can you help me get to Canada?
  4. How to find out if he has a girlfriend?
  5. Is it possible this long period of bleeding means pregnancy?
  6. What are awesome cheats for Sims 2 Deluxe?
  7. What's your opinion on women in society?
  8. How do you insert an attachment file to a game file?
  9. Do you hate Hannah Montana?
  10. Foreclosures up 75% in 2007, is real estate at bottom yet?
  11. Do you like Prison Break?
  12. What Texas trucking company will hire felons?
  13. How to get a Myspace layout to work right?
  14. Is emancipation a good idea for a 16 year old in my situation?
  15. How do I get hairspray off leather?
  16. How to stay away from him?
  17. How to orgasm while getting fingered?
  18. What's the tongue piercing process?
  19. What are other sites to sell stuff?
  20. Does anyone watch Lost?
  21. Am I too self-concious?
  22. What's the purpose of a FunAdvice group?
  23. Can I get diabetes from eating junk food?
  24. Does doing this mean you're gay?
  25. Which party would benefit ?
  26. Will not drinking or eating much affect me?
  27. What's this liquid stuff on my panties?
  28. Have you ever eaten soup right out of the can?
  29. Must you be saved to go to Heaven?
  30. Should I get my hair cut short and layered?
  31. What are the admission requirements for SPU?
  32. Is my baby's fever too high?
  33. What's the number for the Jonas Brothers' manager?
  34. How to control my panic attacks?
  35. Why am I having trouble getting on FunAdvice?
  36. When do direct debits leave the bank?
  37. How do I deal with my 5 year old sister?
  38. Do you put toilet paper on the seat in public restrooms?
  39. Should I let him go down my pants?
  40. Where can a 15 year old work?
  41. Cartilage and lobe piercings at the same time?
  42. How to stop being angry?
  43. Is it OK if my penis is crooked?
  44. What should I eat for dinner if I want to lose weight?
  45. We're turning five in March, should we have a party?
  46. Can you find a list of screennames on your AOL account?
  47. Is anyone selling Enter Shikari tickets?
  48. How do I get big hair?
  49. How Can I Convince My Mum To Move Away From Torquay?
  50. What kind of dog breed should I get?
  51. Do you need an exam to get birth control?
  52. How can I grow taller?
  53. Is eating 1200 calories a day a good diet?
  54. What is this "fau" user and why do other people's Q's show up there
  55. How to block numbers from texting you?
  56. Should I be a dancer, doctor or actress?
  57. What to buy him for my Brothers 18th Birthday?
  58. Is the closest thing to love hate?
  59. Snowboarding outfit color combinations?
  60. Where can I find this picture?
  61. How do you pierce your tongue?
  62. Too young to fall in love?
  63. My dog, suggestions on how to get him to stop wandering?
  64. What is this random period?
  65. Average Weight For 5'2''?
  66. How to get my belly back after having twins?
  67. What happens when you complete the impossible quiz?
  68. Can I wear bone shoes with a lilac dress?
  69. How can I get into Myspace at school?
  70. Is it a bad idea to have sex whilst on your period?
  71. Does The Green Tea Diet REALLY work?
  72. Where can I get good recipies for a juicer?
  73. What is a good type of juicer?
  74. Is working in a hospital like Scrubs?
  75. Why were my pictures deleted?
  76. How much is this penny worth?
  77. Why am I sometimes logged out?
  78. Can you get pregnant from having sex on your period?
  79. Should I talk to him or dump him?
  80. What if you like your boyfriend's friend?
  81. Is anyone else here a quadruplet?
  82. Is it normal to have extra saliva while pregnant?
  83. What's a good slogal to get interest in medicine?
  84. Why do I pass wind in my sleep?
  85. How does the scoring system for answers work?
  86. What's the only bird that can see the color blue?
  87. Can you dye your hair when you're pregnant?
  88. Have you ever met a rockstar?
  89. How I could get my son's Myspace password?
  90. What is the difference between Catholicism & Christianity?
  91. Does she just not want a boyfriend?
  92. Gasoline prices where you live right now?
  93. How to make out with my girlfriend?
  94. Anyone here Live in Redondo Beach?
  95. How to get rid of fleas?
  96. What does "btw" mean?
  97. Do you think this is nasty?
  98. How can I keep myself awake?
  99. Should I stick around and wait for him?
  100. How to get rid of period bloating?