Questions & Answers

  1. whats a good lotion to use after shaving?
  2. I've been getting discharge for 5 weeks now, what do I do?
  3. For my first tatoo...
  4. I honestly can't get over how much of a loner I am.
  6. Alligator Eats A Man's Dog In Our Town
  7. can someone give me relationship advice?
  8. I'm always looking for new tattoo designs. Any ideas where to look?
  9. 17, what can i do?
  10. what is the best thing to get rid of fleas on a dog?
  11. Vague messages and seeming like my girlfriend doesn't want to talk to me?
  12. What is it like in Minnesota?
  13. I carry the conversation most of the time..what should I do?
  14. i need guy help!!!!!
  15. can american women be a mail order bride
  16. I like crossdressing and is it ok to do it?
  17. My friend is always mean to me?
  18. Whats up with the DOB? are you trying to have less customers?
  19. What should I major in if I want to gain knowledge in the medical field?
  20. What does it mean if a guy introduces you to all his guy friends?
  21. Guys, I'd love to hear what you think about this:
  22. USA omg! How annoying are you Walmart!! Really?
  23. What to do when you're moving away but like your boyfriend?
  24. Its very dissapointing when people called you by mistake?
  25. How much should I sell my guitars for?
  26. What color should I dye my hair, it's currently dark brown
  27. Are the feelings real or fake?
  28. How do I explain to my parents that I'm moving out?
  29. Should I initiate a new conversation with this guy?
  30. How can I get rid of acne on my shoulders?
  31. Do you think we have become "immune" to tradgedy in the news unless it effects us on a personal level?
  32. Can I start bank account without my parent?
  33. why do every guy that like me is married or has a girlfriend
  34. I'm planning on getting a tattoo in the near future.
  35. what makes a Ouija board thing work?
  36. What does it mean when a my dog nips at my ear. Not aggesivley more affectioniat
  37. tattoo ideas to add to the phrase "Emotionally Independent"
  38. What a women with a droopy face mean?
  39. Currently on paid Short-Term Medical Leave and found another job...?
  40. Fixing a relationship?
  41. I thinned my hair too much
  42. what are your feelings on organ and tissue donation?
  43. When can my cats enter an area that has been dispersed for bugs?
  44. network of veins on leaf are called as _______________________?
  45. 17 with braces!?
  46. can someone give me relationship advice?
  47. Why the irs office representative couldnt answerme a simple question?
  48. has this girl lost interest
  49. what are your thoughts on this saying - You can't help who you love
  50. what should i tattoo on her booty that would turn me off but make nobody else want to touch her?
  51. What if somebody has a dual citizenship he still have to file U.S taxes?
  52. what are you thoughts on this saying - Love is blind
  53. Hi, I'm working as a service desk engineer and I'm from India, is there any way I could get a job in USA or UK?
  54. How do I end a 7 year relationship?
  55. What would you do if you were in my situation
  56. My mom doesn't want me to go to Peru
  58. Is there something wrong with my female parts???
  59. is it normal to have a stomach ache after you had sex?
  60. An american citizen who has worked abroad for a whole year has to file taxes or not?
  61. Can I put 1 on my w-4 if I am a dependent?
  62. Should I move to WA or OR?
  63. What should I bring to the beach today?
  64. My calf muscles are having a sharp pain go through them, what's wrong?
  65. What does this dream mean?
  66. How do I sound smart during the Impromptu Questions part of a pageant?
  67. would him acting this way mean anything?
  68. How do I convice my sister that I did not steal from her graduation money?
  69. I cut off all ties with my friend I have feelings for, I feel so bad now.
  70. if a woman needs to shave there face
  71. What is the Longest movie you have ever see?
  72. My mother took all the money out of my account, can I get it back?
  73. what should i do about my job?
  74. I think my parents destructive relationship is causing commitment issues to myself?
  75. 2 girls and a baby...
  76. Can the court force u to take meds? i have a friend in that situation
  77. Is my foot broken or bruised?
  78. what is the right way to care for a bamboo plant?
  79. A friend bought a pair of shoes on the site, but how do confiscated arrival
  80. How do I know for sure if my 2 yr old son has been molested?
  81. Who had tried Mary Kay Cosmetics? What was your experience like and would you recommend it to your friends?
  82. I forgot to take my pill
  83. I started my period on June 27 and got off on the 2cd had sex that 30th(still on period) and 2cd(the day I got off) and 4th and 6th and on the 8t
  84. do guys only want me for my boobs?
  85. What does this sentence mean?
  86. Have I stuffed up??
  87. Nike What is the purpose of this brand?
  88. can they charge him with harboring a runaway?
  89. Boyfriends birthday
  90. I dont know why they let me go of that job in the supermarket?
  91. What do you think i like cute women more than hot women?
  92. What racy means?
  93. Do you think everybody has a day marked to die?
  94. So my laptop is totally crapping out on me. Again.
  95. What do you think of this ad for a restaurant?
  96. If a restaurant doesnt have the special that people want can lose their customers or not?
  97. can i get pregnant by using a vibrator after having sex?
  98. Which hair color looks better on me Blonde or Brown?
  99. Question about sticky notes
  100. If a guy sends you a text really early in the morning appologizing twice for not texting in so long what does that mean?