Questions & Answers

  1. Who sings the chorus in Jason Derulo ''Whatcha Say''?
  2. why do i get car sick and how can i make it stop??
  3. What type of Veriozon phone should I get if I'm looking for something with a touch screen that isn't too difficult to use?
  4. Why evey time I eat sweet or chocolate I get very dizzy??
  5. how does a 13 year old get a dildo without her parents knowing?
  6. How can i make brushing my teeth fun for me?
  7. What is the best GRE prep course?
  8. Can we get linked to previous answers we gave like on the old FA?
  9. Should I get an Alienware Computer?
  10. what are some good firefox add ons?
  11. What is wrong with my poor little bunny?
  12. Whats the acceptable age in your culture for a woman to have children?
  13. should i paint my room neon blue and bright cherry red or neon blue and bright purple?
  14. Who knows if hot tea is good for you?
  15. What is this piercing called?
  16. If the time on the bus shelter says 1:55 PM, but the time on the website says 1:00 PM, which one should I trust?
  17. Why is it that, when i am right, nobody remembers and when i am wrong nobody forgets?
  18. Is a two headed snake more poisoness than a one headed snake ??
  19. why do people think that it depends on your race as to which music you like and listen to??
  20. How do I protect my e-mail from spam?
  21. What can I cook if Ive just defrosted chiken for a casserole but just realised I have no carrots?
  22. Is it wrong to sneack out to a party my dad sez i cant go to???
  23. Can you buy Phidippus Audax (known as the 'daring jumping spider') in Australia?
  24. can one person play the ouija?
  25. How do I get discovered by a music producer other then from youtube?
  26. does anyone know the name of this song "somebody's gotta get me to...?
  27. Does anyone know any good trance/ rave songs?
  28. What cause cramps AFTER your period, it's not PMS?
  29. should i get the synyster gates belt buckle or the call of duty modern warfare belt buckle?
  30. does anyone know how much the element skateboards by bam margera cost?
  31. What was the worst tragic movie death you've ever seen?
  32. what is a good peircing and tattoo shop in windsor, ontario (canada)?
  33. Why isnt my cat taking care of her babies?
  34. who on here has gotten paid from this web site?
  35. How often do you think about deep, complex and serious thoughts?
  36. What's the worst you've ever gotten hurt, like, physically?
  37. What's the best brand of sleeping pills and what are the side effects of taking them?
  38. How often should I visit my high school boyfriend at school since I'm in college now?
  39. How do I limit the cramps I get when I go jogging or exercise?
  40. Who thinks being a vegetarian is a good idea?
  41. what kind of job can i get witout any experience?
  42. what should I put on the wall over the baby bed?
  43. can i get a grant without paying for it?
  44. How should I do some natural looking makeup?
  45. Can an illness such as a cold affect your periods ?
  46. Why won't my picture upload to my FunAdvice profile?
  47. what kind of soap will help get rid of sunspots?.
  48. What does this '' ^^^'' mean in possibly German?
  49. Who used murad acne complex, did it work for you?
  50. What does ''eat that ham'' means?
  51. What are some good apps to entertain a 4 month old baby?
  52. what does this quote mean?
  53. can i razor my hair with a plain leg razor???? will it cause split ends??
  54. What can I make with yogurt, grapes, processed cheese, bread, milk and peanuts?
  55. what dose it mean when you have the same dream everynight??
  56. How to solve 5a+5b?
  57. What should i be when i leave school?
  58. What's a good way to live a happy life?
  59. How do I keep myself from falling out of a good routine into a bad one?
  60. Is it bad for me to be the smartest one in my class and want to go into cosmetology?
  61. I wrote this about a year or two ago, but i'd still like to know what you think?
  62. How old do you have to be to get a bank account, so you can get Google Adsense?
  63. what is the best bank to get a bank account at that I CAN trust..that WONT charge u fees or stuff like that??
  64. Is it bad for your health to use a tampon?
  65. is it true that chase*the bank* will give u 100 dollars just to open an account their!!!??
  66. why do doctors say if u lose weight quickly you will gain it back ,, and what do they exactly mean?
  67. What does the dream i have of me walking on my knees all thruoght the highschool mean?
  68. where can i listen to this entire song?
  69. Why are our heads round, Is it so thoughts can change direction?
  70. How long should periods be irregular for?
  71. Does anyone have any good lyrics for this song?
  72. What do you think about fake tan rather than real tans?
  73. What color homecoming dress should i get?
  74. Where do I buy fitness videos?
  75. What is the most precious thing on this Earth to you?
  76. Who knows if köökica is a spam website?
  77. how do you get a nose piercing to heal fast?
  78. Would you be able to pay off a collection's debt with rolls of coins?
  79. What is your favorite method to writing a novel?
  80. Does anyone know if you have to still put deoderant on when your using *Certain Dri ?
  81. where can i find orange ribbons to hand out at school?
  82. How do I get my teachers not to make me dysecet animals?
  83. How long does it take from Vancouver to Ottawa?
  84. Who thinks the "Craigslist Killer" committed su!cide?
  85. Do you have to be a certain age to buy asprin In England?
  86. How can i find someone who will sing my song and publish it?
  87. Is the t.v show A haunting based on true stories?
  88. whats a good way i can convince my parents to switch me out of my classes ?
  89. Why is it that when you have to pee REALLY BADLY when you're sitting down, when you stand up you don't have to that badly anymore?
  90. Who knows where to get a Steven Seagal energy drink from?
  91. What is the best way to get someone to answer to your fanmail?
  92. Should the zoo owner of two liger cubs in Taiwan be held accountable for their parents mating?
  93. What does everyone think of pregnant women going clubbing?
  94. Who thinks its okay for men to wear false eyelashes?
  95. How much do you think [estimatingly] would it cost me to plan a silver wedding anniversary for my parents?
  96. What's all the hype about Jersey Shore?
  97. What is animal rights and animal welfare?
  98. What do you think about people giving sarcastic answers to idiotic questions?
  99. What has your experience been with Kava Kava?
  100. how could i write a speech on education?