Questions & Answers

  1. Is it fairly easy to gain employment?
  2. Why is NYC called "The big apple"?
  3. Can I get section 8 housing in Florida?
  4. what is an atheists funeral like?
  5. How long should you bleed after Mirena birth control being inserted?
  6. What do you think of this new Louisiana law about cellphone use while driving?
  7. Do headaches mean you did something worng in ur body?
  8. how fast would you freeze if you were put in nitrogen?
  9. What is the best pain reliever in your opinion?
  10. What are some fun free massive online multiplayer games?
  11. can you put aero bars on a mountain bike ?
  12. why doesnt hardly any black people work at the apple store?
  13. why does black people love fried chicken for some reason?
  14. How long does a top belly button piercing take to heal?
  15. what does 2k10 mean?
  16. How do I know if this is a form of erctile dysfunction?
  17. Whats a better digital Camera, The Nikon Coolpix or the Canon Powershot?
  18. How many ounces of formula should my daughter (turning 5 months on the 3rd of October) eat each day?
  19. how badly to corset piercings hurt?
  20. Why can I post an identical question for some faiths but not others?
  21. What strengths and weaknesses do all Hindu sects share?
  22. Which character would you rather have as a pet...Chucky, Snuggles, SpongeBob, or Barney?
  23. What strengths and weaknesses do all Christian sects share?
  24. How many of you that have siblings, wish that you were an only child & why?!
  25. How much exercise, is too much exercse??
  26. What does "Bulla" mean in all the launages (if it has more than one)?
  27. Why isn't Paranormal Activity available for rent on iTunes?
  28. Did Les Stroud (the survivor man) pass away?
  29. What would be cheaper?
  30. What classes should i take in high school to become a marine biologist?
  31. What can i do for my health project?
  32. what can i feed my turtle, besides lettuce?
  33. What is considered lond distance texting?
  34. who has got or has had a sega megadrive?
  35. what is a good theme for a wedding??
  36. What are some good essay titles about celebrities getting special attention?
  37. How can I get my mum to stop borrowing my clothes without asking me?
  38. How can i make a greek goddess costume?
  39. What can I make with a pound of ground beef?
  40. Is there any way you can find out the breed of your cat by some sort of test?
  41. do you think that there is more than one universe in existence today?
  42. Why do some of my question disapear?
  43. How do you fix a x rocker turbo sound gaming chair?
  44. What does champ mean?
  45. What does "nom nom" mean?
  46. What has your favorite job been?
  47. What are some things that can get my mind off my boyfriend?
  48. What is a good excuse for my bestfriend?
  49. What file hosting site do you usually use?
  50. how do i drees like a rock-a-billy girl?
  51. What do you think of this work of poetry?
  52. what does the flag button do?
  53. What website can answer your questions professionally about how to take care of African American hair?
  54. Why do I get stomach and chest pain after I eat?
  55. Which headphone amp should I get?
  56. Is it okay to eat cat food or will it make you sick?
  57. How do i stop my mom from buying this hamster?
  58. Is it okay to use eye liner as lip liner or lip liner as eye liner?
  59. how long can i last without any water:)?
  60. does anyone know what "the memory keepers daughter" by kim edwards is about?
  61. How do you personally handle panic attacks?
  62. Is the word cas!no not allowed?
  63. Do you think two people with different religions would work out, and be able to spend the rest of their lives together?
  64. Is it true that dog's attract lightening?
  65. Which do you use bodywash or soap?
  66. What's the worst pain you have had in parts of you body?
  67. Do you think that all of the people who claim they have come in contact with a ghost, or have been haunted by a ghost are lying?
  68. Is the itunes version 10 good?
  69. How do I move my grown up sims child out of the 'family house' on sims 3?
  70. Where can I buy really cheap sexy black high heeled boots?
  71. What does your school do for Homecoming?
  72. How do you become a saint?
  73. do u think you should rent ur wedding dress??
  74. what is a good intro sentence for plymouth and jamestown?
  75. do famous people,movie stars,reply to theire fan email?
  76. How do i get the sticky stuff off my pots, pans, and cookie sheets?
  77. how to write news in google news???
  78. what is the difference between cream based color and ivory?
  79. How can I draw like this girl?
  80. is safe for shopping?
  81. How do you view your bookmarks on Google chrome?
  82. is it just me or does anyone else notice that certain races have certain smells?
  83. Do you think more females should be allowed to play football, or do you think it's solely a male sport?
  84. how can i write emotionally powerful songs and lyrics like the ones in atreyu songs?
  85. What can cause blood in your stool, and when you wipe?
  86. How can i get my laptop to connect to my wireless router?
  87. what is the most common blood type??
  88. What would hav happen if God should hav created people without eyes?
  89. What are the advantages of Using HTML 5 now?
  90. How realistic is the tv show house?
  91. what does my teacher mean when he asks what shapes climate?
  92. How do you cure a blind person who denies their blindness?
  93. How to stop the loop in rpg maker VX?
  94. What is the name of the fish with the big eyes and do they live long?
  95. should i be worried if i am going to community college and i don't even know 6th grade math???
  96. when i was in a hospital this grl screamed "LABOR IN DELIVERY" what does it mean?
  97. Is it okay for a 14-year-old girl to dress and dance sexy?
  98. what do you call those little black fish with the red and blue tails that are dangerous to keep around other fish?
  99. What would happen if you put a phone charger in the freezer for 10 to 15 mins?
  100. what flowers do not have pollen in them?