Questions & Answers

  1. Would birth control help my heavy periods?
  2. Should I get a streak of yellow in my hair?
  3. Do you get an exam to be put on birth control?
  4. Where could I buy inexpensive but nice jeans for skinny girls?
  5. Can I report people for hacking my friend's Myspace?
  6. How could I get rid of bacne once and for all?
  7. Why are my periods so weird?
  8. Am I being too strict?
  9. How to get my parents to agree to a snake?
  10. How can I get my hair to grow longer?
  11. Does anyone like the movie Toy Story?
  12. Is anyone in a similar situation with their man being in jail?
  13. What redken fresh curls products should I buy?
  14. Should I get a nose job?
  15. Does he still like her?
  16. My boyfriend thinks I'm controlling
  17. How do I get over the nervousness?
  18. What would you do: Pay off debt or get a new car?
  19. Riddle, what kind of room has no windows?
  20. How do you get a perfect model's body?
  21. Sims without sexual themes?
  22. Women & Money book download?
  23. Is it harmful to color your hair with markers?
  24. Does he really love me?
  25. What to do about a bully at school?
  26. Women & money suze free book?
  27. Why do I always get crushes on girls who are already taken?
  28. Does anyone know anything about snakes?
  29. All emos should read this!
  30. Season's hottest styles?
  31. Who was a Roman tribune murdered in 133BC?
  32. What were large plantations called in Ancient Rome?
  33. Meaning of Mood Ring Colors?
  34. What makeup to use with dark hair and green eyes?
  35. How to play a Gamecube game on Wii?
  36. How to know when you're ready?
  37. Do you really know the Jonas Brothers?
  38. What's the name of this song I heard in Hollister?
  39. Do I need a Gamecube controller to play on the Wii?
  40. Is he jealous?
  41. How to get the free book from Oprah's show on 2/13?
  42. Should I get pregnant?
  43. How do you turn a guy down?
  44. How to tone my stomach quickly?
  45. Why do I always get crushes on girls who are aready taken?
  46. Can I still get an STD?
  47. Riddle when I am young I walk on all 4s..when I mature I walk on 2
  48. How to get a decent job with a felony DUI?
  49. Can a teenager quit school for a few months?
  50. Can you guess this riddle?
  51. Is there a game called L.A. Norie?
  52. How to download the Oprah book?
  53. How to moan during phone sex?
  54. Can 14 year olds can get a job in Dallas, Texas?
  55. How to assure him that I won't mind his birthmark?
  56. How to get this book for free from Suze Orman?
  57. What website for Oprah's Free book?
  58. How can a 56-year-old with MS get the free book from Oprah?
  59. Who sings this song and what's the name?
  60. Where to get the free Suzie Orman book?
  61. What animals do they use to make leather?
  62. How do I delete my pictures?
  63. Do people get big boobs just from genetics?
  64. What is the meaning of having a "monkey on your back"?
  65. Where to receive the Suze Orman book?
  66. Can chlamydia be dormant in your body?
  67. Suze Orman's Free Book Oprah
  68. Why doesn't my music player work on my Myspace?
  69. Can a recovering bulimic become pregnant safely?
  70. Can my Mom get in trouble for lying about him raping me?
  71. How to become beautiful?
  72. How to give oral sex to my boyfriend?
  73. Horderve
  74. What can you tell me about being Wiccan?
  75. Make cheddar cheese sauce
  76. Does anyone believe in an afterlife?
  77. Can oprah help sell my afghans?
  78. How does anyone get the the free suzy orman book from Oprah?
  79. Women and Money by Suzie?
  80. Does anyone want to be my Valentine?
  81. How to get the Suze orman book?
  82. How to deal with being alone with 3 kids?
  83. Will you be my valentine?
  84. How do I get thinner thighs?
  85. Natural Colon cleanse?
  86. Should I tell my Mom about my abuse?
  87. Women and Money for free?
  88. Does coffee effect weight loss?
  89. How to tell my dad that I'm with a guy he doesn't like?
  90. How can I get a flatter stomach?
  91. Why is he calling it quits now?
  92. Why are so many questions locked?
  93. How can I be blonde without constant touchups?
  94. Why is my girlfriend sometimes on and sometimes off?
  95. How do I lose my pouch?
  96. Do I look cute?
  97. Should I tell him I love him?
  98. How accurate is a pregnancy test?
  99. How to meet new people?
  100. How to make lips smaller?