All emos should read this!

yall are gettin so annoying honestly stop askin questions about cutting yourselves, you jus want attention, which is understandable since you probably cut urself because your neglected at home, but seriously, stop asking questions about it, if your askin people if you have a problem, you already know you have a problem, people are here to help, if you want some attention, make friends with them, and chances are, they’ll listen to u, but god doesnt want his creations to be inflicting pain on themselves, and when you cut urself, your hurtin others to, so jus stop it, and talk to people about it, stop asking questions you already know the answer to

Answer #1

No doubt some do not genuinely know the answer and are using this site seeking legitimate answers - you can’t paint all with the ‘you just want attention’ brush.

Answer #2

Ok, stop generalizing (how dare you presume people who cut are neglected at home, what would you know about it?) stop involving your own personal religious beliefs into the issue (you dont know what God does or does not want), and let people discuss whatever they feel the need to. If you dont want to read about it then dont. But dont make other people feel bad about their issues. Stop displaying your ignorance on issues that are obviously beyond your comprehension.

Answer #3


Play nice. I’m locking this.

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