Is he jealous?

Okay so I sent flowers to myself at work today in order to get a reaction from my crush. I was also gone from work for a week and I did not tell anyone I was leaving except for management. My crush found out. I found out from my girlfriend at work today that he was the only one besides management that knew why I was gone. the only way he couldve known is if he asked managment where I was. why would he ask that. then today my girlfriend told me that he saw my flowers and was asking her who sent them to me? Is he jealous? Why does he care so much about what I do? he doesnt even call me. he may know how I feel about him still but it was only divulged to him months ago. so the fact that I like him is not fresh. also he is always asking my girlfriend where I am when I have days off. I want him to feel the same way about me but im not sure. whats my next move? And is he jealous?

Answer #1

Yes, he is jealous. He likes you!! The obvious points that he does are: He asked where you were, he asked your friend who the flowers were from, and third, he wouldn’t have known why you’d gone unless, like you said, he asked management. He seriously does like you, and your next move is to tell him that you really like him too, or maybe start talking to you. It won’t hurt - he has a crush on you too, after all. So give it a go! Good luck! =D

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