Beauty & Style Questions

  1. What is the name of a permanent pill to cure acne?
  2. What was your bra size at 14?
  3. What if I stuff my bra?
  4. How can I clear an age scar from my leg?
  5. How should I fix my hair if it turned a light orange color ?
  6. What kind of highlights shouyld I get in my hair?
  7. What Underwear With This Dress?
  8. Why did septum piercings get so popular ?
  9. How long should I stay in the sun for a tan?
  10. What can I do If I Want Blonde Hair & have Pale Face?
  11. What do girls over 30 think of a single earring on guy?
  12. How do I tame my straw-like hair?
  13. What shall I do with my swollen streached ear?
  14. How much is the hand web peircing in gbp??
  15. How will hair dye effect my hair?
  16. How do you think teeth bleaching works?
  17. How can I get a good bikini body asap?
  18. Who thinks it sounds like I'm a tomboy?
  19. What is a bomb shell bra?
  20. Who knows where to buy eye primer in Canada?
  21. How or could my hair fall out of 3 days in a row of hair dye?
  22. How much does nose pirecings hurt 1-10 ?
  23. When Gauging Your Ears... Is this True?
  24. How can I stretch my healed blown out ears again ?
  25. What ... How long will my lip piercing take to fill in?
  26. What is an awesome pose?
  27. What are you meant to do with shimmer pearls?
  28. What, do you think I should get layers?
  29. What colour eyeliner should I wear with brown eyes?
  30. How long to stop peeling after laying in tanning bed?
  31. What can I do cause my tragus piercing is horrible?
  32. Why, Is it bad to cut your eyebrow hairs?
  33. How can I make my darkish blue eyes stand out more"?
  34. What are cute ways to wear my hair???
  35. What is the best way to get rid of lip hair?
  36. What color eyeliner and eyeshadow do you like on a blonde?
  37. How to get my hair blonde?
  38. How can I clear up break outs on my chest?
  39. How do I get my hair color to stay in?
  40. What would a nose stud or monroe piercing look like on me?
  41. Who have bought nike dunk sb ?
  42. How can I make my skin better in 3 days?
  43. What beauty stuff do I need?
  44. How can I were my jackets cuter?what are cute ways to do my hair?
  45. Who knows about MAC make-up?
  46. What color should I paint my toenails??
  47. What do girls think about chest hair on a guy?
  48. What kind of self tanners do you sujest??
  49. What; Hey guys, how do you feel about mohawks on girls?
  50. How should a girl get a smooth p*ssy?
  51. How do I know where to pierce my lip at(spot inside lip)?
  52. What color panties should be worn with black slacks?
  53. How to be a butch lesbian?
  54. How old in the uk do you have to be to get a tattoo?
  55. How can I get rid of the shape of my nose?
  56. What do you think of a strange music tattoo?
  57. When is it the right age to wear heels ?
  58. How do you stop fake rings from turning colors?
  59. What can you shave your vagina with besides a razor?
  60. What kind of make-up should I use, I have light skin and freckles?
  61. How do I get my red dyed hair back to brown?
  62. Why is my hair so flaky, itchy and greasy?
  63. What if you have thick hair but can't braide it then what?
  64. What shirt matches yellow shorts?
  65. How do I apply foundation so it covers my skin tone?
  66. What gross symptoms are normal on my new monroe piercing?
  67. What can I do to look like I have real hair?
  68. When is my cut going to dissapear?
  69. How much does streching your ears hurt?
  70. How much will a tattoo fade if you go tanning?
  71. How do I get waves useing sportin waves pomade?
  72. How bad does a vch piercing hurt and does it feel good after?
  73. What tanning oil should I use? and where to buy it?
  74. Why cant I manage to make myself look my age?
  75. What will make my flat chest into nice boobs?
  76. Who have used Clairol Shimmer Lights shampoos and conditioner?
  77. How can I become the person I want to be?
  78. How can I fix my nails?
  79. What are some good outfits I can wear to school?
  80. Why in the world didn't my hair turn bright orange?
  81. Why, some guys dont like to see stretch marks on a girl???
  82. you tan better when your wet or dry???
  83. How do you get candle wax off of a black skirt?
  84. How do I make my jeans tighter?
  85. What is a cheap outside tanning lotion?
  86. What should I use a sewing manikin or my body?
  87. Is it safe to peirce your belly button?
  88. is my head big, small, or average size?
  89. How can I get rid of zits without facecream?
  90. How should I get my nails?
  91. How long should I wait to dye my hair after having a perm?
  92. What can I do to get a better color with my newly dyed blonde hair?
  93. What should I wear with a fuschia dress?
  94. How much should I use ice cubes and vinegar?
  95. Where should I put my watch?
  96. Who thinks I should go in black vans to prom?
  97. How can I make my gauge go in my ear?
  98. What is the name of Nikkole's Cosmetic Bag?
  99. How long do I wait to change a belly ring..?
  100. Why do I have red bumps down there and how do treat them?