How to be a butch lesbian?

My friend has turned lesbo, and wants to be a butch. How can she go about this? Thanks. :]

Answer #1

there are also a number of workout supplements that you can get at like GNC that will enhance a work out such as creatine protien and O vaper as well as many others

Answer #2

why does she want to be butch ? if she does then work out on arms and legs mostly can I just say that im bi sexual , and even though I am not lesibian , you dont have to look butch to make your sexuality noticable , just be open about who you are and have a great time fiddeling with your own style… I have a unique style hope I helped?

Answer #3

cut her hair short, buy lots of leather jackets and put on some mens boots.. she’ll be attracting the girls in no time :)

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