Beauty & Style Questions

  1. Gold eyeliner for blue eyes?
  2. make your own jewelry
  3. weather for shorts
  4. How do I get rid of zits.
  5. If you pluck your eyebrows does it come back in darker?
  6. Fadding Hair
  7. What temperary hair dye should I use?
  8. what color should I dye my hair
  9. prom dress color help !?
  10. Sea Breeze Or Neutrageana?
  11. How much does it hurt when you pierce your lip?
  12. tighten up jeans
  13. what would you lable it as?
  14. how do I create my own ripped jeans?
  15. How to get from black to blonde? Anybody with experience/hairdresse
  16. stretchy pants and want to look thin
  17. belly piercings
  18. which one
  19. Do yuo find pale girls attractive?
  20. how to look better
  21. I bleached my hair black hair blonde, but it turned out orange!
  22. How to make my hair grow faster and longer?
  23. Looking older
  24. Giant knot
  25. What are padded bras?
  26. a good tanner
  27. Clothes for curves
  28. the right hair? please help
  29. Depilatory!!!
  30. Straightening hair!!!
  31. Etnies! Emo or Flirty ?
  32. How do you do make-up contouring?
  33. Wavy to curly?
  34. What shoes do you wear with flared leg jeans? I hate skinny
  35. Do you have to cut out black hair dye?
  36. Tatoo on ebony skin ,,type
  37. Get rid and prevent spots
  38. Getting off braces?
  39. Just wondering, what color eyes do boys like on a girl?
  40. Girl highschool shoes that flatter legs?
  41. Looking good without make up?
  42. Belly button peircing
  43. Tattoo care
  44. Mixed girl +scene cut= ???
  45. Sunbeds
  46. Would you rather
  47. 2 Questions for the hair. (please help)
  48. Hannah Montana
  49. Depilatory
  50. Dresses I need help
  51. Skin disorder...need help and fast
  52. How do I get read of the black dye in my hair and in my extensions
  53. Beauty Secrets? :)
  54. Skin pigmentation
  55. Good shampoo for straightening
  56. Pubic shave
  57. Highlights
  58. Recent Tongue Piercing
  59. What kind of straightener should I use?
  60. twilight t.shirts at supre
  61. how do you give your eye brows an arch??
  62. Tattoo location
  63. Bra size is like 32-36a ...will I grow or wont I?
  64. Cheerleadin banquet? ASAP
  65. Crimping hair...
  66. Does clothes change the person?
  67. Weird to want do the hair, makeup, and nails of a dead person?
  68. Dry/burning skin
  69. Ugllly white dots under my eyes, how to get rid of them?
  70. What should I do to make myself prettier
  71. How sore is it to get your ear pierced?
  72. can I drink vitamin c to make my breast look big?
  73. Will my bangs grow back??
  74. Proactive it useful ???
  75. How do I contorl the size of my boobs
  76. Feeling bad
  77. Hips:good or bad
  78. Body ink: good or bad
  79. Makeup wont stay on my nose
  80. Am I going bald or what?
  81. Dreadlocks
  82. kiki kannibals hair color???!!! help please!!
  83. Guys: do you prefer a certain hair type on a girl?
  84. belly button pircings
  85. I cant handle being picked on anymore
  86. Earrings
  87. "gangsters"
  88. Stereotypes and People.
  89. emo or scene kid
  90. what clothes look best?
  91. Blonde gone orange!!!
  92. Clear Nose Retainer
  93. Spots and rush
  94. Brushing your teeh with bleach...
  95. why is black people hair so different from white people???
  96. Good places for hidden tattoos?
  97. Any good tattoo sites?
  98. Tanning help
  99. emo stuff girl
  100. How do You get rid of black and dark spots on your legs and elbows?