what would you lable it as?

what would lable a person if they; got high a lot, wears a lot of black, depressed and cuts, don’t care what anyone thinks, and dont like being in big coruds kinda just stay with a few people. what would you lable it?

Answer #1

for the love of pete, whoever he is, it is spelled LABEL. PASS IT ON!

Answer #2

messed up.

Answer #3


Answer #4

Anti-social and clinically depressed.

Answer #5

I guess emo/goth… but I dont think no one should be lable… let them be who ever they want to be but thats my oppine’n… but anyways big tips on cutting and depression get help A.S.A.P!!!

Answer #6

ichibanarky is right depressed and antisocial depression ( a mental disorder) and cutting (self harm) play NO part in any label or sterotype because feelings and emotions have nothing to do with sterotypes as for the way you dress, if you want to slap a label on yourself, you sound like you dress either emo, goth or neither but wearing a colour doesnt make you a label your only a label if you call yourself one cutting and depression have nothing to do wth ANY label to get help for them you need to talk about your problems because no one can hgelp you if they dont know whats wrong and if there is aything wrong in the first place so talk to a doctor, counsellor, friend, teacher, parent, ect about your problems and why they make you depressed and self harm

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