Recent Tongue Piercing

Just got my tongue peirced yesterday by a professional. My tounge has swelled up to twice the size(which I know is normal) how long tll the swelling will go down? but its also got white stuff all over it? Is that normal? and how long till it is safe to drink alcohol again? Also what are the best foods to eat for the next week or 2?

Answer #1

The swelling will go down in 1 1/2 -2 weeks depending on how well you keep it clean. The white stuff around it is normal it is puss just make sure you keep a wet paper towel and keep it clean at all times. you can drink alcohol when ever you want after it gets pierced but it will hurt like hell. Don’t eat dairy and eat what ever you want just make sure you keep it clean. It’s hard to eat stuff like mashed potatoes but I don’t know why. I do have my tongue pierced and had it pierced for a year now I have quite a bit of piercings. you can view my picture’s and they all my piercing’s have healed greatly. I hope this helped.

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