How sore is it to get your ear pierced?

Hi guys, so my g friend says I would look good with my ear pierced but I haven’t told her im scared. And I want to do it 4 her. And just to have it, but my question is, do girls think guys look good with ear piercings or not? And how sore is it to get it done, like with the gun thing and all of that, and plus turning it for 2 weeks> how good looking? And how sore? Would it be worth it, because I’m getting it dun in the easter break, maybe.cheers

Answer #1

it doesn’t hurt at all, I had my ears done with a gun when I was like 9, and since then I’ve had my belly button done (with a needle) and my nose done (with a needle). none of them hurt and with a gun it is over so quickly that you don’t need to worry bout pain. make sure you want to get it done as well and you’re not doing it just for your girlfriend. x good luck

Answer #2

it depends what part of your ear you get peirced. I got my cartilage peirced and it was almost a year agho and it still hurts to sleeep on it . but the regular part of your ear feeels like a shot, its nothing. a litttle pinch and its done. goood luck - hope you like it (:

Answer #3

It feels like a pinch. The piercing gun is there, you hear a ‘click’ sound, and the earring is in. Here’s the conversation I had when I got mine pierced.

Lady: We’re going to line up your ears.

Me: Okay.

Lady: You might feel a little pain. When I count to 3, the earring will be in. Alright?

Me: Alright.

Lady: 1, 2, 3. click

Me: Who knew lining up my ears would hurt a little!

Lady: Do you want to look?

Me: Okay!

I saw my earring and I found out they had pierced my ear. And suddenly I realized it hadn’t even hurt a little.

Once they pierced my ears and I walked away, I felt a small headache + nausea. Don’t worry, though, it goes away quicly.

I only got my ears pierced yesterday, and I don’t even feel them now. Theres nothing to worry about. ☺

Answer #4

I have 4 and did 2 myself I also peirced my boyfriends ears he didnt think it hurt at all one was swollen a bit but it feels like a pinch if you get it done with a gun the loud clamping noise is the worste part

Answer #5

never get it done with the gun people who use it at a salon or mall are inexpirienced and unqualified the gun is not a peice of profesional peircing equiptment the people using it have no training and its full of germs from other people blood because they cant sterilize it real peircers ahve been trying to get that peirce of crap banned for years if you want a profesional peircing, you get it done with a hollow surgical steel needle the process is simple, the clamp your ear, stick a hollow needle through then thread the jewelrrey through the needle pain is bearable, it shouldnt be anything you cant handle and you should get surgical steel jewelrey not some crappy stud because its as much good as stabbing a nail through your ear studs are blunt, needles are sharp and get it done for you in all ohnestly, you and your girlfreind might not be together forever, so if you want a peircing get it done because YOU want it if she likes it thats a bonus

Answer #6

Lol no it doesnt hurt. It feels like a pinch. I have my ears pierced and it takes some time to heal. If I were you I would go sumwhere and get it done.

Answer #7

Offcourse it “hurts”. You’re getting earings pushed in to your ears at high speed although it is by no amount unbearable. A little pinch and it is done. I had mine done when I was 3 so I am sure you can cope with it!

You have to turn and clean for 6 weeks at least NOT 2 weeks. I do like lads with ear’s pierced. I think it looks cute. Only do it if you want to, not if your girlfrined wants you to.

Answer #8

I have both my pierced. Ya every1 is right its just feels like a little pinch for a second and then its over.. I actually enjoyed it. But if your play in dirt a lot make sure to keep them clean or they can get infected and your ear will fall off :)

Answer #9

It doesn’t hurt, I’ve had mine done a few years ago. I think guys look good with ear piercings. It’s not really that sore, just when you have to turn it to stop it from sticking, but it’s not bad at all. michaela. x

Answer #10

look mate I have had 5 piercings 3 with the gun and 2 by hand and I did the ones by hand myself.!! and trust me its not sore.. even the slitest bit sore. imagine someone flickin you ear.. thats it.. and in the future if your gunna get a tattoo get 1 but not on the bone now that hurts.!!

Answer #11

it doesnt hurt at all … it feels like a quick pinch … thats all

trust me if it hurt I wouldnt of had my ears done twice ..


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