
ok, so no matter what, “gangsters” will hate whites, right?? like, if you have converse, the thing to do with gangsters is fold them down [hightops] and so they tell you to, so you can be “cool” but, if whites start dressing like gangsters, then they’re wanna-be’s. so pretty much, your not cool if you dont dress like them, but your even MORE uncool if you DO dress like them?? does anyone else feel this way??

Answer #1

not all so called gangsters are mexican if thats what your trying to say. only wannabes CARE what people think. wear what you want and converse are in NO WAY a “gangster” thing. and gangters dont hate white people RACIST do.

I am in noway a gangster but I resent your statement due how closeminded it is.

Answer #2

im only mad at the mexicans who are racist against whites or any other race. but I dont judge mexicans like they’re already racist either. but if they say something that’s racist, I get mad, mk??

Answer #3

well its true. you have to be like born gangsta to be a gangsta. if you try to dress like them then hellz yeah its uncool

Answer #4

ok so do you get mad at mexicans for being mexican? what does that matter

Answer #5

oooh my god no one is born gangster!

stop with the stereotypes people. you should learn to be your own person and not try to follow others. if you like it wear it.

I hate when people are so superficial

Answer #6

alright, I know it definately isnt true but I am just so sick of all this racism!! and im not saying this in a racist way, but mexicans get MAD at me for being white, and I was just using the converse thing as an example. also, I am NOT saying that I want to be a gangster

Answer #7

amanda, did you ever stop to think that maybe the people hes talking about ARE mexican, like from mexico. …no

Answer #8

who gives a damn what anyone else thinks. buy the clothes that you like and what you wanna wear. dont be a follower, be a leader, a go-getter, a real person. nike`s got the right idea, “just do it”

Answer #9

well im pretty sure your last comment said AND I QUOTE “ mexicans get MAD at me for being white…” so to me that seems pretty racist

the correct statement would have been, although still closeminded SOME mexcians or better yet some people I know get mad at me for being white. because you cant classify people by race.

I am mexican and my husband is white with blonde hair and blue eyes and I sure as hell dont hate him for being WHITE.

anyways its not that I dislike you I just think your statement is rather ignorant. so please just keep an openmind and do what you want. if they get mad at what your wearing and say your trying to be gangsta or whatever they are just insecure, jealous, and ignorant themselves so just ignore them and be who you want to be mk.

Answer #10

ok, and im sorry. SOME mexicans get mad at me for being white..

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