Love & Relationships Questions

  1. How do you forget about someone?
  2. shoes fetish
  3. Girls, how would you reply?
  4. Why is my boyfriend like this?
  5. Do you guys think hed ask me to be his girlfriend?
  6. Should I still hang out with my group of friends?
  7. What to say after someone jokingly says I love you?
  8. If the age difference is only about a year is that okay?
  9. How can I be her friend (please read)
  10. How do I get a boyfriend?
  11. How does he feel about me???
  12. Ask out...
  13. Why are skater and emo boys so hot
  14. What is the best way to talk to a shy skater?
  15. Why do boys like girls who finger themselves?
  16. Are girls crazy about porn like guys are?
  17. How do people find out who you sleep with?
  18. Why is it imposible to keep something a secret in highschool?
  19. What advice can I give to him?
  20. I don't want to get rejected, what should I do?
  21. Advice to smooth relations after insulting the in-laws
  22. Is it ok for me to start dating?
  23. We love eachother but...
  24. Why is my boyfriend lying to me?
  25. Love's confusing me again
  26. What's it take to find a tolerant and open minded woman?
  27. trust brother or the ex who is trying to win me back
  28. do I keep trying or let him go and see how things go with new boyfriend
  29. First kiss?
  30. Whatif I only had one or just a couple orgasaem!
  31. How bad does it hurt to get fingered???
  32. How can I be her friend
  33. Do every girl squirt or cum during an orgasm?
  34. I want him to stop
  35. What's up with my guys friends?
  36. I think im pregnent and I've not bin feelin my self but today I was
  37. if it wasnt illegal, & I deleted the picture, should I feel guilty
  38. Should she do it or not
  39. Anxiety in a!!!
  40. Confused about my boyfriends past
  41. She's a complete freak!!!
  42. Girlfriend troubles
  43. Ever had a feeling a person here is not who they are?
  44. Wifey Type?
  45. Whats the best deep throat position
  46. Help: Where is the insertsation hole in my vagina?
  47. 10 questions I can ask a girl
  48. why do I get dissed
  49. why do guys tend to fall for me all the time
  50. I broke up with him and now I want him back!!
  51. How can I get horny in the shower?
  52. What do I do if my best friend dislikes my boyfriend?
  53. Would you let a girl you liked hold you at a haunted house?
  54. Meeting with guy I met online-how do I explain to my parents?
  55. what tuh do?
  56. how can I show someone I care about them
  57. fast advice please!
  58. Really confused
  59. If I asked him the right question?
  60. My ex boyfriend still likes me
  61. Are Large Areolas Unattractive To TeenAge Boys
  62. She say she still love me
  63. Erection advice!!!
  64. would you break up with your girlfriend if you found out...
  65. am I still a virgin if my boyfriend rubs the tip of his penis on my clit?
  66. I really like this guy, but he is still with girlfriend
  67. My ex girlfriend and I broke up and I still love her.
  68. Help! Boy issuses
  69. avoiding ex boyfriend
  70. im in big trouble with my girl
  71. Should I continue?
  72. What is pre cum
  73. Caught in the middle?
  74. Does she like meh?
  75. Would buying condoms with spermicidal lube be good idea??
  76. I really really like this boy anddd...
  77. Turnng my boyfriend on today
  78. I like him..
  79. Love Survey
  80. Getting back with my ex I was with for 7years
  81. I like my boyfriends sweat...
  82. How do you know if a guy likes you or if hes just being a flirt?
  83. My highschool lover is back
  84. Ex - No Contact (Woman's View please)
  85. Ex boyfriend told everyone I'm loose though he was my first ?
  86. New Girlfriend!?!
  87. I dont know what to do
  88. should I go out with her
  89. Girlfriend Wants A Baby
  90. Beat up:(
  91. R we still perfect or are we relizing were horrible together?
  92. Cheating or Losing interest in me?
  93. I'm in love with someone who loves someone else
  94. Love adivce
  95. Should I tell him how I feel about him?
  96. my friends gonna commit suicide what do I do
  97. What is the hotest guy you ever meet
  98. Torn in half
  99. Ex boyfriend.
  100. Would I sound too desperate?