I like him..

I like this guy a lot…im in 8th grade and hes in 9th…I’ve known him for about 2 years now..and he liked me a lot last year and he kept asking me out and I kept saying no because id idnt like him then…but now I like him a lot this year…I dont know what to do…I mean hes awesome =] and I don’t know we hung out the other day..and he was like rilly sweet and evrything..hes wicked hot to and I told him and he said I was hot 2 haha (I don’t know why I said that) I dont know if he likes me…we hugged and stuff noo kissing tho..altho I bet we would have if my mother wasnt there =[ but I don’t know…I want 2 ask him out but I don’t know if I should…what do you guys think? and would he like me after all this time?

Answer #1

Yeah he stiol does have feeligns for you when a bloek asks you out more then once in mone year it genuarall menas he likes you a lot and it takes a while for osme one to stop liking someoen when they liek them that much. so ask him out and he’ll probs go why you liek me now asnd shit liek that but yeah ask him out

Answer #2

YEAH! I am guessing he still likes you, but the thing is why do you all of the sudden like him?! be careful for his feelings. and if its to make someone else jealous then its not worth the effort. He is going to wonder why you like him now as well, so be prepared to answer. hope its for the right reason :D

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