She's a complete freak!!!

Ok there is this girl in my class and she is an absolute freak. Well… first off she believes that she is a vampire, a witch and a cat…

Also, one day when I was walking home from school… she came up to me and my friends and then she was going on about this japanese anime charactar that she likes and she said she wants him to rape her and kill her and that she would want him to rape his dead body.

She also says that she murdered some little kids and animals… I know this is a load of crap… im not thick.

Buttt… I was new to the school last year, and she had to show me where to go so now she is under the impression that I am her friend… but I don’t want to be friends with someone like her, she is a freak, and she is a stupid uneducated little twat.

What can I do to get rid of her impression that I am her friend!

Please helllppp… =S

Answer #1

sika your a fuckin retard. if a girl says she kills kids and animals and that shes a vampire, witch and cat shes obviously not too bright so quit actin dumb. dude run the fuck away from her. end of story.

Answer #2

You dont want to hurt the girls feelings. Maybe she has a hard time making friends and you are her first think about it or maybe ask her to just chill out a bit and show her what your into

Answer #3

dangg girl she weird but maybe shes just looking for attention did she have friends when you started going to that school??? maybe your like her only friend to her sooo she wants to be different and different isnt a bad thing but maybe you should just talk to her abput this tell her by what she says she is kinda freanking you out and that you want to be her friend but that kind of stufff just isnt funny she will either stop it or she will continue

Answer #4

Maybe you should try a different approach . Be friends with, involve her more then slowly start to make suggestions about things maybe she can change, maybe she just needs s friend to ground her so she doesnt have to pretend to be all out there. Clearly shes looking for somthing, maybe your the person that could help her out. Or you can take the approach like im sure everyone else has and totally disregard, I think that although she is the way you say she is, freak is a hurtful word, you also dont know about her personal life and what drove her to be the way she is, maybe if she could open up she would tone down her different ways.

Answer #5

Sika… I’m asking for advice not rudeness… she doesn’t have a mental problem… so shame on you for assuming.

Answer #6

just tell her!but be nice about it! o just thought abou something!tell her you dont like to be friends with vampiers!lol!

Answer #7


Answer #8

aww honey run away from the freakazoid tell her straight

Answer #9

I’m not being rude…I’m not the one who called someone a freak and a stupid uneducated twat just because she’s different.

YOU knocked her intelligence and I’m merely stating if you’re going to take that stance then you should know better than to make fun of her and insult her.

so shame on you for trying to blame your poor opinions and close mindedness on me.

I hope you get bit by a vampire tonight.

NOW I’m being rude.

xox Sika

Answer #10

Just because a person cannot read does not mean they are not intelligent.

Then if she has a mental disability, shame on you for making fun of her and shunning her.

xox Sika

Answer #11

She isn’t intelligant, once in class we had to read through this book, and she reads like a 5 year old… seriously, she is in all the bottom sets and everything lol

Answer #12

haha dangg she is pretty Different well all I would do is just ignore her like walk right past her dont look at her but if she talk to you just short awnser no conversation and always say that youu have to go or something it sounds mean butu know it be wayyy meaner to say things like “ I cant be your friend” or “ youre a freak” you know so yepp yepp :)

Answer #13

She probably does all that for attention and shock value. She’s probably actually very intelligent but has this “”freak”” wall up so she doesn’t have superficial friends like you.

Maybe you should try to get to know her.

xox Sika

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