I broke up with him and now I want him back!!

Okay. I am 15 and I went out with this guy h\who is 19. (nothing illegal going on I promise) and anywayz I broke up with him on like August 13.. a week before school started.. of coarse he had already graduated and I didnt see him much. So we were gonna go to the skating rink one day, but he got stuck in my driveway (for teh 2nd time) and were late.. so we went to the park.. I ran from him to be teasing(hoping he would tease back and chase me) .. he didnt.. he moped about it and acted like I didnt wanna be around him. then he got mad that I dint hold his hand.. I didnt because he had hurt his hand I I dindt want to hurt it more.. Okay so the next day I did lotsa thinkin and called him. I was planning on just chatting, but he assumed I was gonna break up with him(even though he ALWAYS worried I was gonna and I always assured him I wasnt..) but this time was different. He absolutely knew(in his mind) that I was gonna.. and I told him “you don’t know that” he then replied “ “yes I do” well then I was scared he was trying to break up with me or get me to break up with him.. He didnt wanna break up with me and I know he didnt ant me to break up with him, but he was being dumb and trying to get me to say “I love you” for the BILLIONTH time that night..[srsly after a while its not s special anymore] while we are argueing I think back to when he said he wouldnt let me break up with him and that he loved me too much to let me go… I figured he muct not if he is willing to assume all this. so I broke up with him and he didnt do anything about it so I figured I made the right decision.. only this was friggin 2 months ago.. )we had been going out for 3 months before this happened) and now I really want him back.. Should I see if he wants me back?? or should I forget him completely??

Answer #1

its sounds like the guy was really posessive and really insecure, not really qualities that are good for a partner to have. though it sounds strange that he didnt do anything about you breaking up with him after he sys he loves you too much to let go. either way, what you do is up to you you could leave it and not contact him contact him to see how hes going and if hes okay/wants to be friends or something first or ask him out again, its your call but first figure out how you feel, like if you were really happy with this guy and want to give it another chance, if your ready too, ect

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