Torn in half

this is typically the boring love story. I fell in love with my best friend. (hes a guy) I dont usually use the word “love” I think its a missused word. but honestly its what I feel. He loves me too but he has a b!tchy girlfriend and I dont know how to get him I guess you could say. I just feel so gone without him. like there is a pull towards him that I need to follow but cant. can you help? pleez and thank u xo

Answer #1

well one day when you are hanging out ask to talk to him alone! I know it will be hard, and awkward for u, but explain how you feel. then ask him if he can do something about his girlfriend so that you two can be together. I would discuss his feelings towards you before making that request though. I hope all goes well :D oh and its nice to hear love stories come true, if he breaks your heart though I am always open to comfort, so email me if you need someone to talk to, lol or even to tell me how things turned out!

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