Love adivce

okay so I like this guy in my class and a moth ago I told my friend and now like half the school nows including him which im fine with..and my best friend asked him if he like anyone in the class and he said no so she asked him if he like me and she said that he said Ohh nonono..because she is mean. I was like what?? anyway a couple weeks after that I found out that he like my friends except me! and he likes one of my friends and EVERY time im around he says that he like her…ugh hes so confusing…Any advice? THNX:D

Answer #1

I would say do the same to him.. dont let him know that it bothers you that he does that.. act like he is nothin and brag about a new guy you like… once he knows or thinks you lost interest he will want u.. but him knowin you like him gives him the power 2 make you feel like crap… most guys get jealous when they know you started likin someone else and he will show you more attention.. dont show him that it bothers u… oh and hes a douche bag for going for your friends when he knows you like him.. that is a low blow.. so do it 2 him.. like one of his friends and see how he feels.. you deserve better then that.. I think hes just doin that 2 make you jealous… and by the way if that girl is really your friend she wouldnt give him the time of day.. because friends shouldnt do that to each other… friends come before any dude.. friends last forever and guys come and go…

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