Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Left alone for the dance tomorrow
  2. How to start making out?
  3. What to do on rainy days with your fiance?
  4. How do I know if I like a girl?
  5. What do you think about gay rights?
  6. Should I ask him out and how?
  7. How do I know if I like him or not?
  8. What should I do when I see my crush?
  9. Why is my boyfriend blowing me off, what did I do wrong?
  10. How do I get him back?
  11. What urges Humans to be Romantic?
  12. My friends are fighting, how do I stay out of it?
  13. Why do people want to get back with their ex's?
  14. Preventing suicide
  15. Am I selfish for feeling sad/angry?
  16. My mother doesn't approve, should I date him anyways?
  17. My friend really likes me more than a friend but I dont like him.
  18. Do you think romance is for everyone?
  19. I guess I'll let go of this one guy...right?
  20. I told him I like him, what to say next?
  21. Rejection hotline number?
  22. Is it slutty that I want him to kiss me?
  23. How do you convince someone that your sorry?
  24. My boyfriends ex
  25. How can I know if im bi
  26. Any suggestions on how to flirt?
  27. Do you believe in true love?
  28. Why does he act differently in school?
  29. Do guys like girls who are slutty or hard to get?
  30. My wife still talks to her ex-boyfriend
  31. My ex and I didn't talk for 7 months
  32. Making my friends stop swearing around me
  33. What are the pantomimes of liars?
  34. He asked if she had a boyfriend, did I do wrong on telling him yes?
  35. Women with boyfriends in jail only!
  36. How to get a girl
  37. How to make a female do this?
  38. Girl pleasuring self with broom
  39. Am I developing a crush on him?
  40. Will it turn him on?
  41. Why did I push him away when I'd end up liking him?
  42. Will I ever be able to love?
  43. Is my teacher a creep?
  44. How do you know if your friend is pregnant?
  45. How to make sure I taste good for my first kiss?
  46. What should the first kiss be?
  47. How do I get over a girl?
  48. How do I find out if he is interested in me?
  49. Should I take it or end it?
  50. Is it bad to send naked pics to my boyfriend?
  51. Is this why I can't get a boyfriend?
  52. How to tel him that I like him when I'm shy?
  53. In love with my best friend's boyfriend
  54. Do you think they're using me?
  55. Why do you think you're single?
  56. Do you think things could lead to marriage?
  57. Too shy to ask if he likes me
  58. I am about to explode on this girl for doing this with guys
  59. Is width or length better?
  60. Convincing my friend small boobs are ok?
  61. Why can this guy talk to other girls and not me?
  62. How dare he imply that...
  63. He asked about her, why not me?
  64. Should I leave him?
  65. My friends keep telling me I'm outta my mind
  66. I have two great friends
  67. Best Friend's Day
  68. Should I ask my ex if he received my message?
  69. I dont know what to do
  70. What would she want?
  71. Who Would you rather do?
  72. Why don't girls believe men?
  73. Should I let go?
  74. Asking someone out?
  75. Does this seem like I want him back?
  76. What is wrong with my friend?
  77. Confusion about boys
  78. Should I tell my boyfriend about me?
  79. Just couldn't say it to my boyfriend
  80. Is he a cheater?
  81. Best guy
  82. Girls talking dirty to a guy
  83. Do boys like girls who play hard to get?
  84. I want some funny or good comebacks
  85. Whats a chode?
  86. Between my best friends
  87. How do I gat a boy that I like to ask me out?
  88. How do you get boys to notice you?
  89. How to talk to a best friend?
  90. What are some good quotes?
  91. How do I turn my boyfriend on?
  92. Really Confused
  93. How do I get my ex back?
  94. Can you eat and kiss underwater?
  95. 10 ways to make your guy absolutly crazy about you?
  96. Boys again
  97. Better off as friends ?
  98. Marriage in another state
  99. Who should I believe?
  100. When did I concieve my baby and how far along am I?