Is this why I can't get a boyfriend?

Alright so im 14 in 8th grade and the shortest girl in my grade. I am brunette I hae b sze cup for boobs, tiny butt, im skinny (94 pounds) and so on.. But the main thing is I’e gone through puberty, but I hae a baby voice. I ssomtimes make it worse though when I try to talk like a baby, I cant help it thouhg I only do it when im nerous. and I think this is why I cant get a boyfriend =(.

Answer #1

Girl seriously dont worry about it guys wil like you for you my friend shelby trys wayyy to hard to look perfect everyday for guys and she just comes off as this uptight @ss so dont worry if you dont have a boyfriend my best freinds sister in in her senior yr in college and hasnt had a boyfriend you dont need to worry. I dont even want I boyfriend! I know crazy write well it isnt I dont like having to worry about other people and I dont like being tied down it there are so many guys out there to get to know you possible cant date them all but you sure can make out with them I wasnt even dating the guy I kissed first. I thot it was a mistake at first but it turned out to be one of the best things that has ever happend to me he taught me a lot about myself and since he was a “bad boy” he really boosted my self confidence. any way now that you no my life story and I have pretty much wated your time just know that you can be happy being single and you may even have more fun than with just one guy. there is nothing wrong with you probably

Answer #2

I know exactly what you mean! my like bff has a baby voice 2…but shes rellyyy mature and stuff…she kinda has the same problem has u..but honestly girl..ull ifnd the perfect guy sometime so dont wry about what you look or talk like..the rite guy 4 you shouldnt care what you sound like…so just wait and he’ll come..but for now dont let it get 2 u…cause your fina da way you rr

Answer #3

I agree with toria be yourself and looks shouldnt matter and this is coming from a guy

Answer #4

You need someone who will love you for you, reguardless. Focus on school and trust me, the right guy will come along without you even knowing.


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