What would she want?

When you have a girlfriend what do you do to keep her interested and do with her if you dont really have much money or time?

Answer #1

Women are not as demanding as you think. You think thats funny coming from a guy huh. Well most women are satisfied with you just being you and that a key to hold onto. Usually they dont care if you have a caddy or a pontiac for a car, live in a house or an apartment, or have 2 jobs. One thing you have to remember is we all live in the same crappy economy so your girl/guy should realize the times too. There are some jerks and gold-diggers out there just like there are good and bad men, but dont let that bother you. Find the girl/guy that likes you for you and kick the rest to the curb. Since the pocket book is strained find simple ways to date. Stay at home and rent a movie or 2 or watch a movie on cable.dish. Maybe get some takeout. Girls dont always care about fancy food and also think a good juicy burger will hit the spot. Some movie theaters have $5 nights or matenes. Go out on the lake or to the beach. A nice drive or to the park. Maybe the museum as there are a lot of neat stuff in there, you can walk, talk, hold kands, sneak an occasional kiss. Summertime is time for fairs and carnivals. Girls want to spend time with you to get to know you and not your belongings so it doesnt matter what you do as she will be happy.

Answer #2

Do things she likes, which varies from girl to girl. I love watching movies with my boyfriend while hes holding me tightly like he never wants to let me go. Its so relaxing.

Answer #3

umm I don’t know the movies always works but “me” I perfure just hanging out at home talking about music,friends,etc or go karts thats always fun let her win!

Answer #4

you could cook, invite her to your house, show her home movies, lap dances haha, um go to like a nature park or some gardens. just be urself I know that advice is old but it works

Answer #5

Invite her to your house for dinner then watch a movie together, and if she loves you she should respect you by not asking you to spend your life with her, since you dont have enough time or money or whatever that keeps you away from her, cause even if you’re away you still love her, and she should understand that!

Answer #6

Im with movies, when ever my boyfriend comes round we watch movies and I normally end up falling asleep on him, which is rather sweet in an annoying way. So like yahman. MOVIES!!

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