I told him I like him, what to say next?

Hmm how can I put this!! There is this guy that I have liked for like 3 months!!! He used to work where me and my friends would hang out, me and my friends would talk to him and hang around him when he would work. I kinda feel like he lead me on becasue of how he acted around me and how always would catch his eyes. He has a myspace and I added him he accepted. I never sent him a message and he never sent me one either. The next time I seen him he said were myspace buddies now but we never talked on there lol!!! Then the place where he worked closed down!!! and I decided to message him on myspace. we were talking about why it closed down and if it would open back up. He said it should and I was hoping 2 and I asked him would all the same people be working there and he was like he didnt know but he hoped he still was and I finally sent him a message telling how I felt, that I liked him or whatever, everybody was telling me that I should. He never said anything backso I didnt either, I was 2 scared. well a month or 2 went bye and I heard that the place was opening back up so I messaged him on myspace and asked him was it and he was like yeah its open and he was like he still worked there, but that it wasnt as goodas it used 2 be and stuff and nothing was ever said about I liked him or whatever. I guess it was becasue he didnt feel the same way about me, should I say something else about it or should I just let it go and be gald that we are still friends I want to know how he feels but I dont know how to bring it back up and how 2 ask him?? I need advice lol!!!

Answer #1

You already told him how you felt, and he didnt comment you back about it, so thats usually an indication someone just isnt interested. Your better off just leaving it at that, and continue things as they were.

Answer #2

You Should just try to build a bigger relationship with him..as friends though, then see how he acts towards you then see what is up!

Answer #3

^I go with Mix upfemale. ^

then he’ll see the kind of person you really are

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