I dont know what to do

I got bk from a nite out with my boyfriend and his best mate, my boyfriend was very drunk and went straight to bed later that nite his mate (who is married with a one year old) told me he loved me and the only reason he got married was because he couldnt be with me I was totally shocked nothing has happened between us yet. I have spoken to him when we have had less to drink and he says the same thing its driving me mad I cant get him out my head do you think I would be stupid to start something.

Answer #1

Dear kittykat181, You stated you spoke with him when he had less to drink. Sounds like you don’t see him unless you are drinking. Why would that be? It’s a little surprising that you would even consider anything with this man who is married and has children. There are some lines we just don’t cross and this is one of them. The only reason he got married was because he couldn’t have you, yet you knew nothing of his feelings for you prior?? Sounds like he’s feeding you a load of bull and perhaps is setting you up? I think it’s time to stop drinking for a while and perhaps speak with your boyfriend…he may be in on it too. Sue…good luck

Answer #2

right now yes, it would be stupid to start something you have a boyfreind, and he has a wife with a daughter right now theres not a lot of good outcomes your boyfreind will be devestated, and so will his mates wife be aware that his wife isnt going to like this at all no one wants to be in that situation and im sure you wouldnt want your husband to leave you with a kid if you two do do anything then wait untill your both single. also never leave the one you love for the one you like

Answer #3

Don’t do it you’ll end up regretting losing your boyfriend hope you listen good luck =]

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