Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Boy cant find the right girl
  2. Why does he do this?
  3. what to do?
  4. How do I open up to him?
  5. Parents witholding vital documents
  6. What should I do!
  7. What are Romantic things I can do 4 my Girl???
  8. I like a guy a lot but he has a girlfriend and we are just friends
  9. Falling in love with your friend
  10. I like this guy
  11. Self concious about getting fingered
  12. What do you like to be called?
  13. Which of the two?
  14. Find it hard to make friends
  15. Would you end a perfect relationship if you found out they were a skinhead?
  16. How do I regain my partner's trust?
  17. Why do people make fun of me cause I am Bi?
  18. Shygirl in the bedroom
  19. Will he leave his girlfriend
  20. Why do so many young girls want to get pregnant?
  21. what should I do bcause I have two men
  22. I need help and advice...
  23. Still having a guy problem..
  24. My Best Friend and My boyfriend
  25. Is he going to leave me, or am I just bein paranoid?
  26. How can I gain her dad's trust?
  27. Is it okay to care for someone more than you care for yourself
  28. Do girls get sperm?
  29. Is there a way to get a boyfriend easier than asking them out?
  30. How to tell a guy is jealous
  31. What turns girls on the most?
  32. Who to kiss
  33. Kissing a guy
  34. Sensitive guys
  35. is it weird to have a crush on my ex's dad?
  36. How to get over my jealousy problems?!
  37. Single People
  38. Should I take her back?
  39. 2 month anniversary
  40. One Year Anniverary
  41. He kissed me and now won't talk to me?
  42. How to tell him I don't want him to stay?
  43. Why do I feel warm in my private
  44. Should I tell him he can stay?
  45. I need help trying to get this girl.
  46. Why are my friends so sad about it all?
  47. How do you deal with a "friend" like this?
  48. Who's hotter, Akon or Shia Labuff?
  49. Does cum from a female
  50. How to get a guy?
  51. I think I may be the perfect boyfriend.
  52. Should I wait?
  53. Why are people cutting me down for being pregnant?
  54. Why do boys say they love you if they don't mean it?
  55. I really like this guy but I have a boyfriend
  56. Make it feel best when a guy fingers me
  57. Whats a good conversation starter?
  58. Can a dream answer a question?
  59. How much older?
  60. Is it scary to kiss a guy?
  61. Friend zone
  62. is there a guy code on asking out a friends ex
  63. Is there still a chance?
  64. How To Tell If A Boy Has A Crush On You
  65. Should a man leave his loveless relationship if they have a child?
  66. I don't know what to do with her..
  67. Why can people be so nice and then so rude?
  68. A perfect way to say sorry?
  69. I'm not pregnant but my sister's friends think I am...
  70. Why is she like this
  71. Freaked out - want his friendship back
  72. Please advice me to win him back !
  73. How to make them stop?
  74. cant think of the name
  75. Mom vs. Girlfriend
  76. r their other things
  77. What are some exercises for a firmer butt?
  78. 2 part question. need tips advise w/e would be appreciated
  79. what do I do ???
  80. little freaked
  81. guy trubles
  82. A year, and now nothing, how do I fix my heart?
  83. How to I get her ready
  84. I really like this girl but she has a boyfriend back home
  85. what should I say to my friend?
  86. Is Anyone Else Like This?
  87. boys and girls smartness
  88. hyperhidrosis.
  89. girls cummin when orgasming?
  90. Boyfriends Controlling Mother
  91. what do you MALES like Im confused?
  92. How can I stop the memories of rape?
  93. finger my girlfriend
  94. signs that he likes you?
  95. How do I show him I'm not scared?
  96. weneva he fingers me I don't feel anything?
  97. how do I make him not scared to tell me he likes me in the same way
  98. I dont know what to do im in love with him but I don't know if he
  99. How do I stop being raped???
  100. Should we stay together or split?